
Cynthia Poindexter

Dotie Page

Diana Geis

Laura Dykes

Patrice Bell

Jane Buccheri

Dana Neal

Shareen Aarons

Abigail Breiseth

Program Updates

Crossing Guard Hiring Event–April 17th, 10am-12pm, VIntage Gardens Community Center


UMB Community Engagement Center Survey–the link is in the agenda, will be sent out with a graphic tomorrow. Survey is currently available online, are training students to do door knocking to canvas with the survey. Encourage community members to share the survey.


Youth Internship Program: working on scheduling a meeting with the UM BioPark on funding, will start looking at other funding opportunities.


School Family Council: Still working on figuring out when these meetings are scheduled, Abigail will follow up with the principals, schedules still seem very loose.


2024 Meetings

Are there in person activities/events that folks are interested in doing that will also advance the goals of the committee that are not necessarily a meeting. Interest in activities that have a hands on/in person event–not meeting in person just to meet in person. Committee would be interested in visiting different communities/doing food pop-ups



This week was the first week of classes at the South Baltimore Learning Center


Play mats are available for donation–let Diana know if you know of anyone who is interested


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