An Opportunity to Revitalize West Baltimore's Commercial Corridor.
The building at 1504 W. Baltimore St. is the last remaining wood structure in West Baltimore and has previously housed a cigar and tobacco shop, an eating house, and a barbershop. The property was stabilized by SWP in 2020 and is zoned for small to medium-scale commercial use, allowing for mixed-use development.
The deadline for proposal submissions is 5 pm on August 1st, 2024. Southwest Partnership is looking for prospective prime contractors to provide a plan for mixed-use commercial buildings in a Historic community multi-use neighborhood development that includes office/retail, public/institutional, and residential uses. Proposals must include all phases of construction, including pre-construction, construction (contract administration and enforcement, scheduling, budgeting, etc.), and post-construction (close-out documentation, final reporting, etc.). The selection of qualified contractors, consultants, engineers, and others may be required.
The contractor is encouraged to use a diverse group of subcontractors and suppliers from any of the various MBE classifications to meet the overall MBE participation goal required in the City of Baltimore. If you're interested in this project, please see the attached document. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email, and we'll respond within 24 hours of receipt.
Please contact our Commercial Development Manager, Adrian Muldrow adrian@swpbal.org, to express interest.