Alley Gating Program

Improving the real and perceived safety of the area is a key goal of our Vision Plan--we envision communities where all community members are and feel safe on our streets and in our public spaces. Alley gating is a strategy that allows residents business owners to take control of seldom used alleys and footpaths abutting their homes and businesses.

Program Description

Gating little used alleys and footpaths reduces dumping, allows residents to secure the back entrances to their homes and potentially beautify and transform the alley into a usable community space.

The City has an extensive process to approve gating alleys and footpaths. In order for an alley to be gated 75% of the the owners of the abutting non-vacant properties need to agree, and there needs to be a public hearing. Gates have lock boxes for City services, emergency services, and BGE so that the alley can be accessed when needed, and neighboring residents all also receive their own key.

To learn more about alley gating check out our Alley Gating Information Packet.

Gates are constructed and installed in the community by community members, and the alley grating program is funded by the State of Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development.

There is currently no funding for new alley gating projects


To learn about the progress of the alley gating program take a look at our gallery and alley gating map

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