Collaborative Events–Planning and Scheduling
Lisa–would love to hear thoughts on collaborative events–such as a healthcare orientated event, or a technology event bringing together training providers and employers in the space where community members could be invited to learn from a variety of perspectives. Events would give people an opportunity to check out what’s available in the community and bring more excitement and interest by having multiple partners at the table.
IT focused event could also have healthcare employers.
Demetrius suggested having an event which multiple types of employers/fields. Mira suggested having support for determining a career pathway. Jeff suggested a collaborative video–would be especially strong with someone who went through the program and is in the field now. Training programs all have videos on their websites. There are videos about different health careers but those can be harder to find.
Michael suggested having two separate events–one with training providers and one with employers.
When would be good to schedule these? Early fall–late September, early October. Might not work for everyone to recruit about the event, but might help recruitment to be on the marketing materials.
Evening or Saturday would be the best time to hold the event
Roundtable discussed having employers vs not having employers at the event–the draw of having employers vs having employers who are prepared to do some education around being hired.
Elizabeth and Lisa will find a space, identify open space, send it out to providers to sign up. Have a flyer and marketing materials for the event that links to the trainers that will be there. Will have hopefully a solid six weeks of marketing.
VSP: Path program has individuals training at Grace Medical Center, still in transition but happy to be moving forward with training with folks at Grace Medical Center. Still actively recruiting applicants–have streamlined application process.
UMMC: Saturday there’s an info session on the technology training, and an August 18th expungement fair at the UMB Community Engagement Center
NPower: graduation coming up July 28th, recruitment celebratory event on the 19th from 4-7pm.
Paul’s Place: restaurant will be open next week for carry out and delivery, accepting applications for the first culinary training program which will start in October
10:12 Sports: hiring for a workforce coordinator to connect young men in the program with job opportunities
Habicorps: currently recruiting for Habicorps program
Bon Secours Community Works: have a nutrition workshop coming up on the urban farm, mobile market will also be on site. Also recruiting for next CNA cohorts in August and September. New building is still scheduled to open this fall
Humanim: westside cohort will begin in the fall for the administrative training–main focus will be students who live on the westside.
Yo! Still fully virtual–will be going back August 15th to be 100% in person
United Way: eviction prevention program–can support families who are in danger of being evicted
SWP: partnering with UMMC for a food and hospitality hiring event–clients will meet directly with the hiring manager
new form for submitting social media content:
UMB CEC: hiring community health workers, university is also hiring for an accounting clerk