
Cecilia Gonzalez Carrie Baniszewski Anthony Scott Kevin Gallaher Alicia Corson Nate Tarter Edith GIllard Scott Kashnow Derrick McCorvey Charisse Lue Laura Dykes Christian Hall Diana Geis Leila Kohler-Frueh Howard Hughes Loraine Arikat Serena Waters Meghan Cardoso

Call for volunteers for the core housing team

  • Cecilia – Chair
  • Tony – Vice Chair
  • Loraine – Housing Policy 
  • Charisse and Leila volunteered for notetaker in the future from time to time 
  • 1/12/2023 Notetaker: Loraine Arikat

2023 Committee Goals and Plans

  • Summary of December discussion
    • Tangent question regarding new police districts. All neighborhoods except Pigtown will now transition to the Southwest District. 
    • Any other suggestions for 2023 goals?
      • More volunteer or outreach events that the housing committee can participate in 
        • Leila has volunteer opportunities through Habitat for Humanity and Diana is interested in coordinating the volunteering opportunities for SWP. 
      • Regarding resident retention, there is a lack of enforcement from the city on poorly managed buildings that impact homeowners and renters 
        • Charisse suggests the SWP housing committee can take a stance on this problem and push the city to take responsibility to hold slumlords accountable. We can push for more staff at DHCD to help with enforcement.
      • During trolley tours, have a meeting with potential residents and realtors at Hollins Market to match buyers with sellers. We can work with our anchors. We can work with contractors to match with people who need home services too.  
        • Have more SWP marketing that share stories from residents about why the area is so great.  
    • Scott shares that in Pigtown, there is a meeting on January 24th regarding commercial owners who own vacant properties with DHCD.
  • Goal setting: What are short, mid, and long-term (realistic/specific) goals?
    • Within education and outreach, what are some of our committee goals? Think about ideas that you are willing to take lead on. 
    • Outreach event: habitat workday 
    • Leila, Scott, & Tony is interested in working on education opportunities
      • Charisse willing to do a workshop on tenant education 
      • With tax season coming up, bring in CASH campaign. Outreach regarding homeownership tax credit as it is underused. 
      • Carrie will focus on getting speakers on Tax Sale – in rem foreclosure and Megan, SWP organizer, have plans to start a program on educating neighborhoods on this 
      • Megan plans to do a realtor walk-through and home ownership pamphlet in Pigtown. 
      • Permitting process. Maybe collaborate with Commercial Development SWP Committee
      • DHCD can come and speak on their housing strategy for Southwest. Charisse suggests SWP letter or email to DHCD regarding code enforcement because 311 alone does not work. Include this in resident guide 
      • Outreach idea: door knock and connect with residents with the resident guide 
      • The Department of Planning has a Summer and Fall 6-week planning academy and would be great to have committee members to participate in that. Cecilia was a design fellow for the planning department’s comprehensive design process. 
    • Next steps: who, what, when
      • Meeting structure: 6 SWP housing committee meetings with an education component and about 3 or 4 outreach events throughout the year. 

Project Updates

  • Inclusionary Housing Bill
    • HC voted to support the Inclusionary Housing Bill. The Inclusionary Housing Policy defaulted last summer, and it was ineffective. In the 50 years of the policy we have only had 37 units of affordable housing complaint within it.
    • Hearing in December for the new policy being proposed that would secure that projects that receive tax-dollars for development will ensure 10% of affordable housing units. Leave parking bonuses outside, so we can focus. Have an additional tax-credit for developers to incentivize them.
    • Currently, there is not an update from City Council on next steps. The strategy right now is to meet with council people one-on-one. Have met with Housing Commissioner, and will meet with Council President, Mosby.
    • HC members need to set up a meeting with Councilman Bullock to talk about the Inclusionary Housing Bill.
  • Housing Study 
  • Homeownership Zones
  • Down Payment Assistance Program
  • Resident Resource Guide 

Community Updates

  • Poe Homes – HABC, the judge signed off on the church building, so it is now in possession of the city and can the project can move forward

Tony makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott seconds it. 

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