
Abigail Breseith

Cynthia Poindexter

Jeff Johnson

Elizabeth Weber

Laura Dykes

Derrick McCorvey

Brenda Rodriguez

Camille Givens-Patterson

Community Schools Update

Schools are planning for end of the year activities–have done some field trip and end of the year activities.


Next Community School Roundtable meeting will be June 8th with Lifebridge Health discussing services and resources that Lifebridge offers.


Steuart Hill: field trips coming up with Peace Players, back pack giveaway on Friday, Literacy Program event, closing ceremonies will be June 10th for the 5th graders, summer program runs July 5th-August 8th, held vaccine clinic–received $5,000 for their vaccination efforts from UMMC–the most participants in their vaccination clinic


Vivien T–amazing health fair last month, over 30 vendors, and had a vaccine clinic


Charles Carroll Barrister: upcoming food pantry distribution, Friday will be spring festival (June 3rd)– highlights the end of the year and leading to 5th grade graduation. 8am-3pm

Looking to solidify a partnership with K music–looking for space for the music program. Upcoming partnership with Bag Lab, teach the kids keyboard and piano electronically–don’t need to have a set space for music. Upcoming partnership with Clay Pots–ESOL and GED programming. KTF mental health will provide bilingual mental health services to provide expanded mental health services


Ms Cynthia: asked if there’s a way to coordinate events and programs across the schools in the area


Brenda and shared how events are planned at Charles Carroll Barrister and coordinated across schools in the area–working to better streamline communication and revamp the website


Program Updates

Mental Health: developed a survey, will send that out to mental health providers in the school and will revisit in the fall


Youth Internship program: attended the planning charrette on traffic calming at  W Baltimore St and MLK. 


Steuart Hill: appeal process is grinding on–have a prehearing scheduled for June 21st. Will be a parent event organized by some community people


Packett Fund: We have raised approximately $6200, the Committee discussed soliciting donations and reviewed a sample text

Elizabeth will send a reminder to the committee and then Abigail will send a follow up. 



June 16th 4-6pm, CEC is having a Juneteenth Celebration

Poppleton Juneteenth 3-8ppm at Model Park

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