
Kristine Balasz

Lou Packett

Richard Parker

Elizabeth Weber

Community Resource Fair

Still have not gotten the contract and the agreement from the management company for the Community Resource Fair at the Mount Clare Shopping Center. 


By tomorrow if there is no word on the location then the fair will be rescheduled. 


If fair is ongoing:

NPower will need to set up wifi

Know what the table and chair situation is (will need to order some)

Nina will send out reminders to vendors and order the supplies

Flyers in shopping center will be put out the week before


Workforce Development Professional Development

Elizabeth Weber will send out the information about the program to the committee but it is professional development opportunities for participants in the roundtable meetings.


Committee Elections

Committee will be electing a chair at the November meeting. Everyone is eligible to run and anyone who attended three meetings in the past year will be eligible to vote.

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