
Edith Gilliard Canty

 Donnell Nance

Laura Dykes

Diana Geis

Susan Moriarty

Scott Kashnow

David McGill

Jack Sullivan

Joshua Rogers

Meghan Cardoso

Project Updates


Historic Signs: Diana is working with DOT to get two additional signs replaced that need to be. There is also a sign that needs to be replaced at Fayette and Carrollton


Playgrounds: Diana shared an overview of the assessment of the conditions of playgrounds in the area. Committee members shared additional playgrounds to add to the list.


Tree pits: tree pit stumps have been ground out on Calhoun. Franklin Square will be doing a tree planting November 4th meeting at Mulberry and Fulton at the Franklin Square sign is


Art project stalled, will work on picking back up


Bikes: David shared information about upcoming rides–let him or Elizabeth know if you would like to be added to the bike mailing list. Did attend Mayor’s bike subcabinet– MLK bike path renovations are at 30% design. Please let David know if there are any DOT items we’d like addressed


Elections: Edith nominated, Donnell, Donnell accepted


Elizabeth updated the committee on the larger projects–construction has started on the Rec Center, plans finalized for the baseball field renovation in Model Park, meter plans for bridge have been approved waiting for BGE to release them, waiting for final designs for Charles Carroll Barrister playground, Franklin Square Comfort Station is done.


Next meeting November 29th 5:30pm neighborhood walk.

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