
Abigail Breseith

Elizabeth Weber

Patrice Bell

Dotie Page

Dana Neal

Camille Givens Patterson

Laura Dykes

Scott Kashnow

Laura Dykes

Briana Ciccarino 

Heidi Stevens

Cynthia Poindexter

Shareen Aarons

Amanda Talbot

Program Updates

Crossing Guard hiring–event had to be canceled. One possibility could be doing volunteer corner monitoring. Patrice will look into a AAA program. One option might be Poppleton Back to School Event for a hiring event. Committee discussed the crossing of Amity St over W Baltimore St to James McHenry. Committee discussed inequities in safe crossing routes to schools. 


CEC Survey

UMB is planning locations for door knocking, targeting Poppleton, Mount Clare, Franklin Square. Stay tuned for more details!


Youth Internship Program

Committee discussed options for engaging young people in the work of the Southwest Partnership. Option could be recruiting young people for existing YouthWorks programs.


School Family Council

Still challenging to get dates and times


Working Meetings–planning on scheduling working meetings during the summer


Pulled together past committee goal setting work for Committee to review, linked in the agenda.


Committee discussed goals and ideas for the committee moving forward as well as potential meeting structures



–CURE is expanding programming city-wide


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