
Edith Gilliard

Diana Geis

Dionne McConkey

Susan Moriarty

Elizabeth Weber

Melanie Scheirer

Josh Rogers

Neighborhood Association Priorities

Neighborhood Association Presidents met to share needs in neighborhoods–maintenance is a major challenge across all the neighborhoods. Committee discussed strategies for ensuring that there is maintenance funding. Options are community reserve fund, fundraising, income.


Project Updates

–Community Health and Safety Grants Submitted

–Model Park Baseball Field Completed

–Rec Center roof and ramp repair has started

–Carey St Bridge Lights installed, waiting for BGE to turn on the meter. Tony Scott is interested in organizing a clean up before a ribbon cutting event

–Charles Carroll Barrister playground renovations will start in the next couple of weeks

–Franklin Square Comfort Station–scope of work



Diana–suggested talking to each neighborhood about stop sign issues to share with the City DOT in order to see the issues resolved. There is a need both for stop signs to be installed at problem intersections and for existing signs to be replaced. Replacing the signs is relatively doable, new signs will be more of a challenge. Also a need to trip trees and other shrubbery that blocks signs. 


Livewell Festival this Saturday Carroll Park


Need for traffic calming Saratgoa and MLK and Mulberry and MLK.


Barre Circle Mother’s Day Yard Sale–Otterbein Park


Community Saturday and Sunday bike rides have been restarted 


Sowebo Festival May 26th


Carroll Park Rec Center being renovated and will hopefully be open this year and the playground will hopefully be renovated this year as well


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