
Abigail Breseith

Elizabeth Weber

Laura Dykes

Roger Wood

Lou Packett

Quincy Goldsmith

Jane Mayrer

Cecilia Gonzalez

Jeff Johnson

Elaina A

Joel DeWyer

Stephanie Lawrence

Cynthia Poindexter

Mark Stiles

Camille Givens Patterson

Amanda Talbot

Scott Kashnow

Heidi Stevens

Joy Williams

Ivan Leshinsky 

UMBC Chess Program Presentation

UMBC is interested in creating a pilot chess program for area kids this summer. Proposed program timeline:

Currently 4 volunteers have signed up

Lessons will be virtual this summer


UMBC has a very successful program, and is looking to expand programming to include more outreach and education. Have had several attempts to build programs–often lose steam before they get established.


Want to expand access to chess programming–generally very popular with kids.


Approach from a fundamentals standpoint–teach building blocks, but also bring in contemporary events in the chess world (such as the World Chess Tournament in the fall). Chess can teach many different skills. 


UMBC is exploring a research project with the US Chess Center in DC on the effectiveness of their teaching model.


Looking at ages 1st grade up


Will be a flyer/registration link to register families. Only have 12 spaces for the summer so should be strategic in recruiting in the summer, but can put additional kids on the waitlist for the summer. Could do another session if have enough volunteers. Do have to be sure to be gender equal in the recruitment and be sure to recruit across diverse communities, and don’t want to “hand pick” children to participate. 


Ms Cynthia–thinks it’s a great program developmentally for school aged children.


Cecilia–are some kids more apt to be good at chess than others? Easier often to teach kids in cohorts of the same age range, there are some kids who really love chess and the internet makes it easier to connect with other chess players.


Community School Updates

Jeff Johnson is the new Community School Program Manager for the SWP’s three community schools. This is his second week. Has been concentrating on meeting with coordinators, principals, and partners, looks forward to supporting the Committee’s work however he can. 


James McHenry–preparing for the end of year survey. Also preparing for their Family League Community School Survey as part of their community school needs assessment. Heidi will share the needs assessment with the committee and will also share the results with the committee. Also preparing for summer programming. Going to do an in person summer program with Young Audiences of Maryland, will also have Ingenuity Summer Camp and partnerships with UMB. Also has a composter that was donated that they don’t need–Franklin Square may be interested in it. 


Franklin Square–usual summer programming/OST partners and also exploring other summer programming partners. Thank you to everyone who contributed for a new washer-dryer at the school. Trying to put together a community closet. Currently looking for donations for tools


Lou asked how robust the chess program at James McHenry is? Recruited 10-12 students for it never really came together due to the pandemic. 


Cecilia asked if there was a way to contribute as a group to support needs at area schools. Could fit in with work of fundraising committee–Lou would like to set up a regular subscription fund that would be granted to all the schools equally. Committee will discuss guidelines at the next meeting. 


Youth Internship

Elizabeth presented the proposed program:


Scott moved to move forward, Laura seconded, Committee passed unanimously. Elizabeth will reach out to the subcommittee when we know what we need to determine for funding.


Moving Times

Committee discussed moving the committee time–5:30 was popular but Elizabeth will send out a doodle poll to confirm the time and the next meeting will be at the same time. Committee discussed importance of early childhood education.


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