Vibrant Walkable Streets 5/25/17 Meeting Notes




Dan Rodenburg

Lucy Steinz

Dottie Page

Schlonte’ McGee

Chris Redwood


Meeting begins: 7:09


Dan Rodenburg: Proposal for W. Baltimore street. Hollins House underwent a 11 million dollar renovation and city official and the Southwest Partnership can be a catalyst for change for commercial area a get traffic for businesses. Bons Secour is making major impacts on fulton street and renovations to bring the buildings up to code to meet ADA standards.


CORE Funding


Lease to purchase franklin square and Mount Clare: 75 vacant houses, acquisition and stabilization. 1,500,000 dollars


Pigtown Homeownership Project: 71 vacant houses, acquisition and stabilization, funds will be a second mortgage on the property. 1,000,000 dollars


Vitreon Campus: Pharmaceutical firm looking for five acres to build their campus, with 225 entry level positions, interested in Mount Clare. 1,900,000 dollars




Small community grants: funding to support neighborhood association projects; 210, 000


Defensible spaces: Continuation of the alley gating, lighting and cameras program in high crime areas of the community. 100,000 dollars


Landmark lighting; funds for professional lighting for Carey st. Underpass and the Hollins Market commercial area.


$3500 dollar grant for recycling program. How do you get people in the neighborhood to be more engaged in anti littering?


Lucy Steinitz: Suggest that in other countries there is a reward program from picking up garbage for. Dan suggest maybe a gift card program, suggest to invest in a SWP recycling can for the 7 neighborhoods to provide more cans for the community.  Dans suggest to pettiotn the city to have a monetary recycling program to get a bottling and can program to get more people to recycle. Lucy suggest a give back program through after school programs and summer min grant programs that support anti littering.  


Dan:Moving on to announcements Suggest getting the councilman to sit down and get the recreation center at Carroll Park up and running again to support youth sports programs. And the replacement about 14 trees parks and People Pigtown and Franklin Square have been taking care off and.


Lucy Steintz: Suggest colorful lights under the bridging for the light project


7:43pm Dottie Page  arrives: Wants to do a survey to get DOT to get more lighting and speed bump on Schroeder st.


Lucy; question for cycling lane, will there be any signage for bicycle or a bicycle lane? Dan says the paths will be on the north side of hollins st.


7:56 Chris Redwood arrives: Question has there been any strategies to get people involved in the anti-littering campaign yet? Dottie suggest getting the churches to recycle and Dan suggest asking the city to get a athletic team to endorse recycling.


Strategies for getting people to recycle: Dottie suggests when people register to vote give them a recycle bin; Chris suggests follow up after a recycling event to promote education on trash and littering (i.e.,interns, volunteer group, block captains)


Meeting adjourned: 8:07pm


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