
Linda Atila Roger Woods Marilyn Wu - Parris Construction and Development Edith Gillard Jane Mayrer Lou Packett Loretta Farris - Parris Construction and Development Tonya Parris - Parris Construction and Development Jane Buccheri Frieda Ulman Nikky Davis Laura Dykes Bill Freeman Carrie Baniszewski Meghan Cardoso Iantha McCallum Curtis Eaddy II Ashley Watson Scott Kashnow Serena W Tony Scott Eugene Balbierz Thomas Hams

Approval of May Minutes– Lou makes a motion to approve, Edith seconded

Guest Speaker: Tonya Parris – Parris Construction – 1420 W. Baltimore 

  • 4 residential units completed, waiting for gas then will put units on market
  • Outreach to businesses 
    • 45 days to starting “mastermind groups” 
    • e-learning platform will launch in Sept
  • Lou – What is the ask and the mechanism
    • $200,000 for first phase acquisition, SWP could access BRNI funds for the ask
  • Lou – Define WE. Global & WE. Community 
    • human development & non-profit arms of the Construction org Parris Construction
  • Edith: How does the board approval process work?
    • Committee supports recommendation to apply for BERNI funds for the Parris project
  • Motion: Edith makes motion for SWP to provide $200,000 in gap funding for this project, Jane Buccheriseconds – 
    • All Ayes, no opposed, no sustains – Motion passes

ABC’s of Investing Update

Entrepreneurship Conference 

  • Lou: Should we have a segment or mechanism in place to show people the pitfalls of entrepreneurship, setting up realistic expectations, and vetting 
    • Bill: could have a waiver 

Old Business

  • West Baltimore Street Updates – Rodney & Curtis
  • Facade subcommittee update – Carrie
  • Commercial Capital Improvement Update – Carrie
  • Pigtown Mainstreet Updates – Frieda

New Business

Motion to Adjourn: Jane Buccheri, Bill Freeman seconds.