
Eric Holcomb Carrie Baniszewski Tisha Guthrie Nicole King Scott Kashnow Tyriq Charleus Jasmine Braswell Laura Dykes Bob Ezumah Sonia Eaddy Betsey Waters Professor Dewit David McGill Diana Geis Bif Browning Elizabeth

CHAP Update: Guest Speaker – Eric Holcomb, Executive Director CHAP 

Nicole provided an update on some of her research work and findings.

Eric provided an update on CHAP:

Proposal Presented

Meet Guidelines

Justify Boundaries

No decision at commission hearing

Need to do due diligence

Some negotiations still going on

Draft Report – working on it to polish it up, could not get on the July hearings

  • Next hearing ? Still pushing to get this on August hearing

Scott made suggestions with regards to the committee’s disappointment of not being on the July hearings. He suggested sending letters to that effect.

Sonia made comments also that Poppleton was not included in the previous discussions and negotiations with the city. She also mentioned that this is a big win for them – Poppleton Now.

Tisha also made comments on why this is not an agenda item for the city.

Eric responded and promised to raise these issues up on what committee members are saying. He further provided the process for CHAPS approval process, rules and procedures. An aggressive timeline will be put in place by the end of the year for the mayor’s signature.

Scott asked a question on how to get the two neighborhoods of Mt Claire and Poppleton onto the National Register Designation.

Eric responded by providing advice and making suggestions on how to go about it.

Conservation District Option.

What other cities have done and are doing.

CHAPS local commission easier to deal with.

National Registry Designation is more difficult to deal with.

The City of Baltimore is going through a Master Planning Process.


Walking Tours – 

Scott suggested in person meetings in the neighborhoods.

Laura thinks it’s a good idea.

Tyriq thinks it’s a good idea too.

Elizabeth made some suggestions as well.

  • Skipping our August meeting
  • David is available to assist on the biking side of things.
  • Nicole mentioned what they are planning on doing at UMBC African Studies with their recent hiring.

Elections in October

Remembering the families displaced by the Highway to Nowhere

  • DOT Highway to Nowhere
  • East West Transportation Studies
  • Elizabeth cautioned for the committee not to stretch itself so thin by raking on so many issues at the same time
  • David also mentioned making connections with other like minded organizations.

Vacant Building Fires

  • 100 block of N. Carrollton
  • 1500 block of W Baltimore
  • Push back on city to fund SWP to board vacants
  • Water issues
  • Buildings torn down by fires.
  • Preservation vs Demolition.
  • Participants made suggestions on what to do.
  • The city needs to do a better job.
  • This issue cuts across the various other committees in SWP and not just the Historical Preservation Committee.
  • Tisha mentioned the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
  • The Committee Chairs should get together and handle the letter.

Old Business

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