
Monica Cooper


Howard Hughes

Colleen Moore

Alicia Smith

Laura Dykes

Jasmine Slide
Sgt Rivera
David McGill

Police and Safety Updates

Officer Smith shared the January Southern District crime stats Also working on addressing issues raised during community safety walk in Pigtown. Were able to make four arrests in the Pigtown area. Also planned bike patrols in Pigtown.


State’s Attorney’s office citation docket–to address low level offenses that weren’t being prosecuted. Provides treatment/services and has folks provide community service in the communities where they committed the offense. Requires agencies (BPD, university police, MTA police, sheriff’s office etc) to issue the citations


Will share the State’s Attorney’s office’s legislative agenda


Community Safety Walks

One was held in Pigtown on Tuesday, working to schedule walks in other neighborhoods.BPD is happy to attend the safety walks, good to have a concern a head of the walk


Southern District is working on addressing vacant buildings/squatters



State’s Attorney’s office is hosting an event February 21st 5:30-7:30 at Benlou Rec Center addressing economic crimes impacting elders

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