
Diana Geis

Carol Huang

David McGill

Howard Hughes

Donnell Nance

Iris Ma

Thomas Hams

Meghan Cardoso

Raquel Zuniga

Laura Dykes

Patty Hogan

Edith Gilliard Canty

Meghan Cardoso

Natalie Cassidy

Paulette Carroll

Jeff LaNoue

Matt Hendrickson

Patrick Patterson (patrick.patterson@baltimorecitygov.

Elizabeth Main

Joseph Galarrga

Fanghon Xu

Bif Browning

UMB Office of Sustainability (Elizabeth Main)

New office at UMB, looking for community engagement opportunities around Earth Week–the last week in April. UMB CEC recommended reaching out to Vibrant Streets Committee for potential projects. Can do stream and trash clean ups, tree plantings. 


Hollins Roundhouse would like volunteers for an upcoming clean up, Barre Circle has a monthly clean up. Friends of Carroll Park is also hosting an Earth Day Clean Up and will connect with Elizabeth Main


UMBC Photovoice Project

UMBC is doing a project in Watershed 263 that will use Photovoice to Inform Stormwater Management Best Practices. Joe shared more information about the project–looking to better understand community perspectives on stormwater management and green spaces in the area. Joe will share the project flyer to folks who are interested.


Howard suggested attending the quarterly DPW meeting discussing sewage overflows.


Sign up link:


W Baltimore Bike Blvd Plan Update

 Matt Hendrickson shared an update on the W Baltimore Bike Blvd Plan–a unique project because it is a network of streets rather than one corridor. Most recent update–started a long time ago (2015). There have been some revisions but haven’t brought new plans through the outreach process yet, looking to do that during the first half of the year. Have established a Vision Zero bike maintenance and construction contract. Gives the ability to move forward quickly on construction–this is one of the projects that they would like to move forward with the contract.


Majority of the work will be striping, flexposts, and other things that can provide immediate safety improvements. 


Matt shared a review of the W Baltimore Bike Blvd. Union Square is currently enjoying the jersey barriers at Stricker and Lombard in terms of the traffic calming it produces. 


Committee also reviewed and discussed the Separated Bike Lane plan from 2017 (


David asked about the relationship between speed limits on bike blvds–will work on reducing speed limits where necessary but its unclear who has the authority to adjust speed limits.


David asked about the feasibility of the SWP doing a complete streets plan–could be something that would benefit the area.


David asked about finding a solution for a street like W Baltimore St. Baltimore St is a direct connection between downtown and the neighborhood– need to figure out how to make it safe for everyone.

Bif would like to see the Carrolton blvd connect to the shopping center at an entrance people can use and loop over to Arlington.

Patty suggested checking out the following youtube channel: of a man biking in Baltimore


SubCommittee Updates

Franklin Square Park Comfort Station going well

Not a lot of stump removal due to the weather

Signs: Diana reached out to two different sets of people on costs of straightening and sanding the signs and painting the posts white.

Bikes: open streets event would need volunteers to support it. Focused on starting a biking and walking group or finding one that still exists. Asked the Committee if we need a vision on bike parking. Committee discussed bike and scooter parking

Traffic calming–put poles on the sides of corners on Poppleton and Fayette

Laura–first planning meeting for Sowebo Arts and Music Festival next Thursday 6-7pm, would like to make a map of murals in the area.

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