
Elizabeth Weber

Richard Parker

Rachel Goodrich

Kristine Balasz

Ivan Leshinsky

Lou Packett

Khandra Sears

Scott Kahsnow

Nadine Dlodlo

Bif Browning

Caryn York

Lisa Rawlings

Adinke Akintola


Southwest Works Data Review

Rachel shared a data overview of the past three years of Southwest Works:

Anchor institutions have been the primary job placement sites (UMMC, UMB, St Agnes)


2021 Projects

The Committee discussed possible projects to focus on in 2021. Richard shared some thoughts on things to focus on including:

    1. Worker Training Programs
    2. Community Colleges and Four Year Institution Opportunities
    3. Childcare
    4. Healthcare
    5. Abuse
    6. Housing Support
    7. Support for small, minority owned businesses post covid
    8. Summer Youth Employment
    9. Role of Elected Officials and Legislative Bodies

Wants to focus on gathering information on these opportunities and getting this information out to the community in an efficient way. 


Lisa would like the Committee to focus on supporting the JOTF, Out For Justice, and Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle have a legislative agenda that would positively impact employment for area residents. Role would be to advocate at the state level for the legislative agenda.


Caryn–policy opportunities also exist on the local level. Is seeing renewed interest in workforce at the local level. Also “little p” level policies–practices and procedures that happen at state level agencies that sometimes have the force of law. Caryn is working with a group pushing for a re-establishment of One Baltimore For Jobs, which focused on barrier removal and required intentional coordination of community partners so that community members could touch a number of different resources at one time. Richard: is there a route that we can take in terms of next steps? Caryn: yes, should pull in City Council people to the conversation–are looking at where funding could come from. 


Lisa–how should the Committee advocate for these policies? Letter writing, emails, calls, social media campaign, going to Annapolis.


Nadine suggested providing incentives to entrepreneurs in the area.


Ivan is particularly interested in the youth employment aspect of the project. Southwest Sports and Fitness Alliance is hiring staff.


Caryn suggested focusing on outreach around places that people are congregating–ie, public markets, Price Rite


The committee discussed whether they had the capacity to engage in outreach and policy as two projects. 


Bif would like to focus on local employers and having direct connections to employers. MOED has a business service representative who should be providing these services and connecting with the SWP. Richard will reach out to advocate for MOED to be better integrated with the Committee.


Committee will focus on:

  1. Advocacy for state and local policies
    1. 1Baltimore4Jobs
    2. JOTF, Out For Justice, LBS legislative agenda
  2. Compiling existing resources and sharing with the community
    1. Committee can collect existing resources and bring them back to begin putting together material for an publication


Committee adjourned


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