
Edith Gilliard Canty

Dotie Page

Laura Dykes

Donnell Nance

Elizabeth Weber

Howard Hughes

Scott Kashnow

Larry Nunley

David McGill

DPW Presentation

All & ANY DPW ISSUES; Email—; Cell—443-615-2626.

When issues are called into 311 the next morning inspectors will look at the issue–if dumping or bags of trash will look for contact information of the potential dumper.


311 report has to be closed out before it can be moved over to DPW (for dumping) because everyone legally impacted has to get notice.


Text or email the community liaison with the QR number to try and get it escalated


Dumping in someone’s yard is a housing issue (not DPW)


Bulk trash call ahead of time (can set out up to three pieces)–you will get a date to set it out because they only do 225 pick ups a month. Can only pick up locations in the schedule for the day


If there’s a leaking trash truck call 311 immediately


DPW is high grass and weeds, vacant city owned lots, rats, stuff underground is DPW, street lighting, sidewalks is DOT


Working on a new system for recycling, but will be every other week for the foreseeable future


Street sweeping–if there are no signs are cleaned on a quadrant system. If you want signs for street sweeping you have to have the block sign the petition. If street sweeping is skipped call 311 and pass along the confirmation number to the community liaison. 

Concerns about people getting tickets when the street sweeping doesn’t come–call 311 and report the issue to Dr Nunley 


Need to report the issue as soon as possible to have it addressed


Missed street sweeping is an issue in multiple neighborhoods in the SWP area


Discussed how to handle tickets for dumping that are given to neighbors who didn’t actually do the dumping


Damaged trash and recycle cans can be called in–but only will be replaced once


If there are issues with water pressure call 311–Dr Nunley will check on the fire hydrants


Donnell asked about a collapsed sewage drain which is dangerous–call 311 with it and send to Dr Nunely


Donnell asked about missed trash pick up when it’s in a receptacle like a box/or not a green trash can


Dr Nunley encouraged folks to reach out immediately when there’s an issue


Elizabeth will add Dr Nunley to the committee email list


Project Updates

Comfort station project going along

Stumps are going


The Committee collected issues:

issues for DR Nunley: Water pressure at the hydrants who and how do we get them checked and fixed. and the collapsed sewer at Calhoun and Booth.Calhoun & Lombard

Calhoun & Baltimore

200 Blk Monroe

Sewer Hole Collapsed

Trash Collection

  1. Poppleton st. Mondays & Tuesdays no street sweepers. We have signs posted and no cars on the street.

Alley Cleaning


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