
Abigail Breiseth

Jeff Johnson

Elizabeth Weber

Dave Pope

Justin Brown

Jane Buccheri

Laura Dykes

Dotie Page

Dana Neal

Shareen Aarons

Amanda Talbot

Camille Givens-Patterson

Brenda Rodriguez

Communications Survey

Dave Pope is the new SWP Communications Manager. He is trying to get a sense of how folks interact with the SWP’s newsletter and other communication mechanisms. He has made a survey:


Youth Internship Program

Need to decide whether to move forward with the program. Was designed to be an opportunity for paying kids to be active and engaged community members


Initial recruitment had trouble with kids who actually live/go to school in the area–had to rely on personal connections and introductions


Could form a smaller group to make any program related changes if people wanted to continue with the program


Committee discussed options–partnering with existing after school programs


Committee discussed their impressions and feedback on the program–would like to continue with the program, with some modifications to better meet the goals and needs.


Abigail, Jeff, Jane, Camille, Shareen, Dave–will also connect with kids at SLYC for their input


Community Schools Updates

STEM Night at Charles Carroll Barrister May 17th, Teacher’s Appreciation Week, end of school year event. Next week will be the last ESOL class for parents–will have a small celebration


SHAA: working on intentionally inviting parents to transition team meetings, hosting a Spring Fling event on Friday


Waiting to hear from the district on community school contract extension, potentially taking on new schools. Working with Southwest Sports and Fitness Alliance on programming at the Poppleton Rec Center


Discussed next steps for community schools contract


Coalition against SHAA closing–has a pro-bono lawyer and is filing an appeal with the Circuit Court–asking the school board to email school board members to ask them to reverse the decision to close SHAA.



Tomorrow 5/4 4-6pm Florence LaRoue will be at the CEC sharing about her book talking about second phase of life (what you do after you retire) 


June 3rd–Bike Rodeo 2-4pm, bike ride to Camden Yards for the Orioles game June 10th


SLYC students will  be performing st Kirby Lane Park May 10th


There is a need for more outreach to students and parents–have been talking to UMB/Bill Joyner about a shared outreach initiative to area families and residents

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