
Ivan Leshinsky

Edith Gilliard Canty

Elizabeth Weber

Diana Geis

Eric Norton (CMTA)

Laura Dykes

Roger Wood

Jennifer Kunze

Donnell Nance

Bill Marker

David McGill 

Paulette Carroll

Central Maryland Transportation Alliance

CMTA is a non-profit organization that does transportation advocacy. Run a five-seven workshop on learning more about transportation in the area–includes history, learning about how the transportation landscape impacts lives, and then advocacy skills. Have been running the Transportation 101 program since 2017, reached out to talk about how to take Transportation 101 into neighborhoods (rather than hosting in one location and then asking folks to attend). 


Laura asked if Eric knows anything about plans for the Circulator? Heard about the new proposed routes but hasn’t heard anything else 


Committee discussed possible options for sharing Transportation 101 content. Laura–likes the idea of a mini presentation at existing meetings, or one day workshops 


David–is there a way to partner to get out at bus stops to recruit folks to attend a Transportation 101 event


Clean Water Action

A lot of local work around transitioning away from the trash incinerator. State of Maryland considers trash incineration renewable energy, which subsidizes the incinerator and makers it difficult to get away from it. The incinerator is greatly more polluting than coal, but is still being subsidized. Clean Water Action is working on a bill to have trash incinerator removed as renewable energy.


Clean Water Action does a lot of work on sewage issues in Baltimore. This is an issue that has increased over time. City council is investigating this issue. Next hearing will be September 21st at 10am. 


Clean Water Action links:


Read more about dirty energy and the RPS in PEER’s report: 

Sign on letter for community associations and other organizations: 

Petition for individuals:


Read more about dirty energy and 

DPW’s page on the Expedited Reimbursement Program – 

DPW’s page on the Sewage Onsite Support Program –

Documents and reports related to the Consent Decree – 

Please fill out this survey about your experience with sewage backups! –


Elizabeth will send the letter out to the Committee to vote on at the next meeting. 


Project Updates

–looking for electricians to install lights under Carey St Bridge St

–Board of Estimates approved renovations of the Franklin Square Comfort Station

–BCPSS is working on traffic calming around Franklin Square Elementary/Middle School

–Signs–we are having trouble finding someone in the city to take responsibility for them–Donnell and Elizabeth will work with Diana

–bike boulevards seems to be delayed but there is an increase in quick builds, will be putting in bicycle counters (MLK and Lexington). Sunday bike ride meeting at Hollins Market–David would like to do a clean up on streets that are set up to be bike boulevards

–Ivan asked if there were any volunteers for course marshals for the Sowebo 5k 

–developer on the 300 block of N Stricker St Saturday August 27th 1-4pm ribbon cutting and open hose for the first house that’s been completed