
Heidi Keith

Sabrina Bland

Jane Buccheri

Sheila Drummond Camm

Lou Packett

Elizabeth Weber

Margaret Patrick

Abigail Breiseth

Cynthia Poindexter

Camille Givens Patterson

Edith Gilliard Canty

Ivan Leshinsky

Community School Updates

RFP has not yet been released. Plan is still to apply as the lead agency for the schools that would like us to—currently Franklin Square, George Washington, Charles Carroll, potentially Vivien T. Not sure about about SBCS. Will meet with the new principal at Steuart Hill when she returns from vacation.

The SWP Board still needs to approve us being the lead agency. There will be a special board meeting on Thursday the 8th for this approval.

With 5 schools can hire a program manager, do have a commitment to meet gap for program manager.

Areas for Advocacy

The disruption caused when a principal moves and general transparency in the hiring process

Lack of adequacy in the physical facilities in the schools in our neighborhoods (safety and health)

Ensuring that the schools have all the resources they need to educate students (CS thing)

Public transportation is inadequate

Trauma responsiveness on the part of school staff

Equity statement has been officially adopted by city schools—advocate for making sure its implemented

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