
Tjwana Dixon

Rachel Goodrich

Elizabeth Weber

Lisa Rawlings

Richard Parker

Rachel Goodrich

Sonya Obi

Scott Kashnow

Laura Dykes

Bill Marker

Advocacy Updates

Advocated for some bills in Annapolis this legislative session. SB275/HB008 Family and Medical Leave Insurance program, waiting for the Governer’s signature


Expungement bills are both stuck in Committee and seem unlikely to pass this year.



Every year the SWP applies for capital funding through the State of Maryland’s BRNI and CORE programs. These are the major sources of the SWP’s capital funding. 


Lisa would be interested in seeing dedicate workforce development training. 


Workforce Program Updates

Rachel is back from maternity leave. She will be working remotely during the early part of April, and then will be in person at the CEC for Workforce Wednesdays and available to community members on a regular schedule at the SWP office at 1317 W Baltimore.


We also have a partnership with Bon Secours Community Works that provides expanded case management services in the area. Darnetta Johnson is at the CEC for Workforce Wednesdays and at Bon Secours Community Works Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Workforce Grants

Elizabeth provided an update on the status of the grantees. 10:12 Sports is meeting their goals, UMMC is continuing to provide programming, construction is delayed for the SAFE Center community center. Committee discussed outreach and challenges grantees have been having.



CEC has two workforce programs going on now–the Humanim Administrative Assistance training program and Health Care Fundamentals. 

GED class through South Baltimore Learning Center begins next week. Diana Geis of Barre Circle will be the instructor. There is still space. UMMC and UMB are still recruiting security officers. UMB does not require prior security experience and there’s a $1000 bonus. Education requirement is high school diploma. UMMC requires a year of experience. Can apply online. 


Currently enrolling for fall class–begins August 1st. Awarded laptops through the EARN program. Ages 18-26 or veteran


Lisa moved to adjourn., Tjwanna seconded the meeting adjourned.

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