
I. Attendees
Abigail Breiseth
Jane Buccheri
Chuck Callahan
Kelleigh Eastman
Sonia Eaddy
Gregg Herlong
Heather Kangas
Scott Kashnow
George Kleb
JR Lee
Bill Marker
Nancy McCormick
Donnell Nance
Richard Parker
Dan Rodenburg
Jane Shaab
Ashley Valis
Kenneth Watson
Michael Seipp

II. Welcome and Introductions
Chris took attendance.
Michael opened the zoom meeting and shared the agenda.
Kelleigh welcomed everyone.

III. Approval of the Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes from March – Jane S. – Dan second. Kelleigh abstain, All
others in favor. – the motion passes.

IV. Finance Report
Finance Report by George – report of the first quarter
● Most info is limited as it’s very early in the year
● Expenses
● Telephones are a little more because of the office move.
● Space Maintenance will be more because of the new space.
● The Annual Meeting spent $3800 more than we budgeted. Open Bar
expense was added

We have a big receivable for DOE $99K
● Cash position – we are positive…but we do need the receivables to come in
● JR question – annual event expenses. Jane B. has all the charges for the annual
meeting from Curtis. She can share them.
● Richard has a question – Do you think that in this climate everyone will be able to
keep their commitments?
● George – We think so but we are going to address some of that in the
executive session.

V. 4 MLK project presentation
● Gregg – Presented plans for the parking garage at 10 N Fremont
● Introduced: Caroline Moore and Travis Sheridan
● Gregg shared site plans and oriented everyone
● Gateway into the Biopark and also into the City.
● It’s a challenging site – it’s not square – it’s difficult to get the parking that is
● Gateway building phase 1
● Firehouse phase 1
● Future phase 2 – probably a lab office building but could be other
● Garage will be behind and adjacent to 800 W Baltimore Street.
● Renovate the park to the south
● They are working to blend the ground level on parking garage with the
● To make the residences on the North Side of the garage more comfortable – they
introduced screening to limit the disruption to residents.
● 309 spaces
● Will include some bike storage
● Phase 2 site will initially be a parking lot temporarily
● Offered to come present at any other community meetings
● What will become of the diner? They don’t own or control it. They expect it to
● Who will have access to the garage? Will UMB faculty and staff have access to
the garage? The garage will be open to daily parkers to the extent there is
capacity especially on nights and weekends.
● Did you decide about opening the dead ends at Fremont and Hollins
● Jane S. There are re-evaluating it.
● Any update on filling in the hole at Poppleton and Baltimore?
● They have a permit in now to reconstruct the Sidewalk and they are
thinking of creating a parking lot at that site for now as well.
● Bill Marker – Is it compliant with complete streets legislation on Fayette
● It should have a green roof
● The gateway should be at the corner of Washington Blvd and MLK.
1. Gregg agrees with the gateway and clarified that when he is
talking about the gateway to Baltimore, he is meaning all of MLK.

This project has a MLK address to help bring more attention to
MLK Blvd. to help MLK in general become the gateway.
2. The upper level is for parking spaces and they are using green
roofs on their other buildings.

● Richard – likes the design – glad there were community considerations included
and architecturally he thinks it’s nice.
● Dan and JR also added supportive comments
● Abigail – Storm water?
● Gregg they are installing a system that is capable of dealing with
stormwater on site for both phase 1 and phase 2.

● Sonia has a question – she hasn’t been able to hear. And missed part of the
● When the building was moved from the Southside of Baltimore Street to
the North side. The community has not been kept in the loop and this is
now being presented without the support from the community. They found
out because of a sign in the neighborhood.
● They have been waiting for another meeting.
● Gregg – would be happy to give a presentation to Poppleton.

VI. CORE/ BRNI Applications
● Michael presented projects.
● State of MD has two programs
1. BRNI and Core
○ BRNI has two – operating and capital
2. We need to approve a resolution to approve and enter into a
contract with the state for all these projects and second we need
to rank the projects.

● Operating funds we have asked in the past 125K to 175K. We usually get
a substantial portion that supports Elizabeth, Curtis and others.
● 12 capital applications – BRNI
1. Neighborhood Small Grants
2. Carey St Pedestrian Lighting
3. Malachi Mills House Renovation
4. Defensible Spaces
5. Hollins Market Head House
6. Home Buying Incentive Programs
7. Homeowner Repair Program
8. Commercial Façade Improvement
9. Mt Clare Stable Stricker Street Entrance
10. Tenant Improvement Loan
11. Theater Marquees
12. Partner Application: Southwest Sports and Fitness Alliance
● CORE – just for vacant buildings
1. Homes for working families – construction subsidies
2. W Baltimore St. Acquisition and stabilization

3. Partner Application: Habitat for Humanity

● JR – Thanks to all the staff for all the effort they have put into these applications.
● Bill – There are not many projects that are from the southern end of the
● Jane S requested that Chris would resend the survey
● Richard what is the Social Capital manager. It’s Elizabeth.
● Scott: We need to have an official vote on this. Motion: approve a resolution to
approve and enter into contract with the state for all these projects – 2nd Dan. All in favor. No opposed. No abstentions.
● Results:
● BRNI Operating
1. General Operating SWP
● BRNI Capital
1. Hollins Market
2. Small Neighborhood Grants
3. Malachi Mills House
4. Home Buying Incentive
5. Homeowner Repair Program
6. Poppleton Recreation Center
7. Carey St Lighting Project
8. Facade Improvements
9. Tenant Improvement Fund
10. W. Baltimore St Theater Marquees
11. Defensible Spaces (Alley Gating)
12. Mount Clare Stable Entrance
1. Homes for Working Families
2. W. Baltimore St Acquisition
3. Habitat for Humanity

VI. Tax Sale Volunteers – Tony

● There are two new potential tax sale members.
● Seema Iyer –
● Ian Neuman
● Motion to approve. Jane Shaab, 2nd by Ashley all in favor, none opposed.

VII. New Community Announcements

● How can we do a better more effective job getting the word to all the residents
about what services are available – possibly a weekly phone call with
● Particularly community association presidents.
● What is working, what’s not working.
● Ashley – Has been contacted by United Way they have some supplies at
the CEC. They have limited staff. Trying to partner with the Arabbers.

● Abigail – Met with the community school coordinators.
● Bill – What happened to the Saturday distribution – They took two weeks
● Elizabeth the community school coordinators are really the best
connections that we have to families.
● Scott – Add a quick weekly call and flier drops about the call.
● Kelleigh – One stop shop for needs 410-396-CARE.
● JR – The market is the place people go. Can we have a hub at the
parking lot?

● Any other community announcements:
● JR The SOWEBO festival is cancelled.

VIII. Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by Donnell – 2nd by Jane S.

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