Committee Goals and Priorities
At the last meeting the Committee seemed to settle on focusing on resource development (Packett fund, recruiting volunteers, support community school goals etc) and supporting and advocating for families. Is this what the committee took away from the discussion last month? Seems to be
A good way on moving forward on the family work would be to hear from folks who are organizing around the needs of families and children in the area. Potential speakers could be Amanda Talbot and the folks at SLYC, PTOs at local schools, parents in SHAA coalition, other parent leaders, Baltimore Family Alliance, Carroll Park Athletics, out of school time programs (SAFE Center, Boys and Girls Club etc)
Is there a set of questions that we’re looking to the answers for? Want to know what they are doing, what are they seeing that they can’t address, what age groups is there programming for? What resources are out there/what can we do to support what they are doing? Where do people see gaps for families that may not be filled with formal programming?
Committee discussed challenges with the YouthWorks program and the importance of recognizing generational families in the community
Also important to review what the committee had done in the past
If anyone is interested in forming a subcommittee for fundraising for the Packett Fund or something else let Abigail know
Community School Updates
Charles Carroll Barrister–wrapping up the food playground program, ESOL classes are returning, secured a summer program, planning the Barrister Ball, school budget meeting is tomorrow
Steuart Hill–transition team meeting tomorrow, hosting a chat and chew with principal Brown Friday March 10th, planning for Spring Fling event
March 17th from 3-5pm UMB are having a youthworks application center
Family Stability program at United Way is putting a pause on referrals