
Vernell Lewis

Laura Dykes

Shareen Aarons

Jane Buccheri

Elizabeth Weber

Sonya Obi

Abigail Breseith

Jeff Johnson

Quincy Goldsmith

Camille Givens Patterson

Kai Hams

Dotie Page

Cecilia Gonzalez

Community School  Updates

SBCS: Pooled testing happening tomorrow for kids, had to reschedule covid vaccine clinic. Will be having a vaccine clinic monthly beginning in February. Too early to see the results of the testing, but looks better than before the break in terms of staff members who are testing positive.


\Roundtable with CSCs will be starting back up with a training from NAAMI.


Steuart Hill Update

Have had public officials advocating for not closing the schools or delaying the closure, have had social media content, building connections with other schools. BUILD is advocating for the School Board to delay the vote on closing the schools. BUILD is coordinating a press conference, and is discussing their messaging and the best ways to coordinate that. 

Abigail would like to write a letter to the editor on behalf of the Education Committee opposing the closing. 

Quincy asked about transportation to Frederick from SHAA–that is certainly something that could be advocated for. 


Program Updates

Youth Internship Program–had a parent and intern orientation the Saturday before Christmas, three additional young people will attend an orientation on Friday. The first group meeting will be this Saturday. 


Mental Health–haven’t forgotten about it, still very much on Abigail’s radar– a priority for the new year. 


Boy Scouts have reached back out–connected them to coordinators in the past, and may reach back out to the community school coordinators.


Chess–training for potential mentors coming up in January. Still looking for leadership to take on the chess program. Focus of the program right now is existing programs. 


Quincy shared information about South Baltimore Gateway Partnership grant awards:


Committee Goals for 2022

–Fundraising for the Packett Fund for schools

–supporting Steuart Hill

–Mental Health

–Youth Internship Program


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