Introductions – Icebreaker question: What could SWP do better?
- Diana: Communication; a lot of good things going on that people do not know about
- Lou: Getting more community members engaged through communication
- Susan: promotion; getting more people engaged
- George: if SWP had more control over where tax dollars go (like property taxes)
- Nancy: hold SWP events in different neighborhoods every year
- Christina: cross-neighborhood communication; communicating neighborhood and SWP events on partner communication platforms, like Pigtown Mainstreet’s Facebook page.
- Sharon: providing a financial platform for small developers; identifying new partnerships and learning from existing ones and leveraging those
- Robert: SWP needs more visible/tangible communication/branding like trash cans and streetscaping that connects the neighborhoods
- Sonia: Opportunities to showcase and connect with every neighborhood, where you could also get support from all the neighborhoods
Review of May Minutes
- One edit: Planning commission approved expansion of non-conforming license for The Backyard, not “rejected” as previously recorded.
- Approved with edit: Nancy first to approve motion, George second.
- Governance committee is updating goals and requested feedback/recommendations from programmatic committees.
- Tony read through goals and committee provided feedback.
- Next Steps: All subgoals reviewed, but Diana & Tony will come up with specific wording for 2.3 or 2.4.
- Live Baltimore Trolley Tour – Kim Lane e-mailed to say she considered the Live Baltimore Trolley Tour a success.
- Aging in Place – Jonathan Law has been working on new Mt Clare Senior Center
- Receivership – June 25 onsite auction scheduled for 17 properties in Mt Clare & Franklin Square
- Tax sale – have been receiving more applications, but still cannot process anything until City’s financial system back up.
- Poe Homes planning – nothing new to report
Old Business
New Business
Meeting Adjourned