Make the Pledge and join us for the citywide #BmoreCensusChallenge
You can now respond to the Census Online, over the phone, or with the form that will be mailed to you from the Census Bureau.
To get the word out, we are doing a #BmoreCensusChallenge starting on April 1. How does this work? It’s easy —
- 1) Snap a picture of yourself with your Census invitation/envelope, or create a creative image for social media from a screenshot of your completed Census (online or mailer).
- 2) Post a picture to social media with the hashtag #ComeToYourCensus #bmorecensuschallenge.
- 3) Tag us (@swp_baltimore on IG and @SouthwestPartnership on Facebook) PLUS Tag @BaltPlan on IG and @BaltimorePlanning on Facebook for the #BmoreCensusChallenge
The Baltimore Planning Department will be giving away GREAT prizes for posts with the most “likes”. DON’T FORGET!! To qualify for the SWP Come To Your Census iPad giveaway be sure to add #ComeToYourCensus in your post and @swp_baltimore. Don’t fret, not on social media, you can still submit and register for a CHANCE TO WIN if you use this form Make the Pledge

The Southwest Partnership is a recipient for the Federal Maryland State Department Planning Census Grant. We serve as a Complete Count Committee for five of SW Baltimore areas hard-to-count neighborhoods (Mount Clare, Union Square, Hollins Market, Poppleton, and Fanklin Square). For more information about the 2020 Census, visit our #ComeToYourCensus page.