To support schools in our area, Southwest Partnership raises funds to support a small grants program, named the "Lou Packett Grant Fund for Schools!" The grant program helps the seven public schools in our area get the support they need in an equitable, accessible way while providing an easy way for individual donors to support area schools and know that their contributions are going directly to schools. The funds are designed with the knowledge that school communities know best how to support their students, families, and staff.
Community Schools provide a range of resources to schools, families and students--from basic needs such as food and clothing to help accessing housing and adult education to after school programs and academic enrichment. They do a lot with a little, and the grants fund is designed to support our schools and provide an opportunity for community members to directly support the needs of schools, children, and families.
Lou giving a high five (and lollipop) to a young boy in Union Square Park
Who was Lou Packett?
The fund for schools is named in memory of Lou Packett.
Lou was a committed and passionate advocate for our neighborhoods and the people who live in them, a tireless champion not afraid to make big asks and dream big dreams, and a lifelong learner who was always happy to try new things and learn new things. He was always working for a more just, compassionate, and connected world. Lou was an organizer, a champion, and a friend.
As a past Chair of our Education and Workforce Development Committee he was a leader in advocating for community schools and educational equity. He organized a series of community conversations on the impact of racism on education. He worked tirelessly to make sure schools, teachers, and students had what they needed to be successful, and grow. As a Franklin Square neighbor he organized community trips to harvest fresh fruits and vegetables and bring them home to freely share with the community. As the Fund Development Chair for the SWP he built partnerships with churches, local and national organizations, businesses, and individuals to ensure that the SWP has the resources needed to build an awesome, vibrant, diverse community.
Eligible Uses: The fund is intended to support small projects and initiatives or emergency needs such as the purchase of a washer dryer, classroom resources, attendance incentives, supplies for a garden club, or transportation to field trips. The maximum award amount is $1000 per award, and as long as awards are at least six months apart, a school can apply for up to two per calendar year.
Funds must be requested by the school’s Community School Coordinator/Principal or representative from a lead school agency.
Structure: Donations made to the SWP fund to support schools will used to support small, immediate needs from schools, on a first come first serve basis.
The SWP cannot guarantee that donations for a specific program or project type will be needed. We can guarantee that there is always a need in our schools.
If community members would like to make a donation to a specific school they should do so through the school’s Community School Lead Agency.
Our Annual Report published each year should overview how the donations/grants were used during each year and how they have benefitted area schools. If you'd like an electronic copy or printed copy, please reach out to us swp_baltimore@swpbal.org.
Annual Review: The program will be reviewed annually by the Education Committee and adjustments will be made to program guidelines to ensure that the funding is equitably distributed.