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Schlonté McGee is an Americorps VISTA working with Strong City Baltimore and on assignment with the Southwest Partnership (SWP). Schlonté will help us establish self-sustaining, effective, trained, and coordinated communication network made up of 10 area residents in each neighborhood and 5 in Barre Circle. This network will have access to a library of resources regarding, workforce development, housing, educational resources, commercial development, safety and sanitation resources.  His main tasks will include working with community leaders and SWP to develop a recruitment plan for each neighborhood, attend neighborhood association meetings and knock on doors with neighborhood leadership to meet neighbors and recruit participants.  He will also work with community leaders to develop assessments of each association and the ability to effectively communicate with all area residents, among other tasks.

Schlonté was has served over 6 years in the U.S. Navy working as a Hospital Corpsman in various projects in healthcare, project management and leadership training. He recently graduated from Stratford University in Glen Allen, Virginia from the School of Health Sciences. While in school his capstone project focused on coordinating public services for homeless veterans. Originally from Los Angeles, California he plans to stay in Maryland for a significant time. He hopes to one day start his own non-profit organization for young men that will focus on wellness and education. In his spare time he likes read, hike, play kickball, and travel.

He can be contacted by email: Be sure to stop by our office to welcome him to the community!

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