
Richard Parker

Diana Geis

Erica Sullivan

Paulette Carroll

Virgina Holley

Roger Wood

Elizabeth Weber

Laura Dykes

Terrell Butcher

David McGill

Meghan Cardoso

Casey O’Neill 

JOTF Public Policy Agenda and Legislative Priorities 


Committee reviewed the JOTF legislative agenda and proposed laws for this legislative session, including the impact of marajuana legalization on the possibilities of expungement for various offenses related to possession, as well as the current status of the expungement regulations/laws for the state.


Committee vote on Maryland Redeem Act (in favor of supporting)

Automatic and Immediate Expungement of Non-Convictions (Virgina, Richard, Roger in support, Diana and Laura opposed; Committee in favor of supporting)

“Good Cause” Expungement (Richard, Roger, Laura, in support, Diana abstain, Committee in favor of supporting)

Repealing Driver’s License Suspensions (Richard, Virginia, Roger in support, Diana opposed, Laura abstain, Committee in favor of supporting)

Expanding Access to Occupational Licenses: (Diana, Laura, Roger in support, no opposed/abstentions Committee in favor of supporting)

Auto Insurance Subsidies for  Baltimore Workforce Graduates: (Richard, Laura in favor, Diana opposed, Roger, Casey abstained)


Committee is in favor of supporting the JOTF legislative agenda. This will be presented to the Board for approval


Committee Priorities

Request the City to put forward legislation that would require stringent local hiring for businesses coming into South Baltimore (2-5%). Elizabeth will work with Casey on language that the Board could approve


Something legislative related to childcare–


Announcements/Open Forum

Diana asked if there had been any more discussion/interest about combining the Workforce Committee with the Workforce Roundtable or the Education Committee–good idea to have some joint meetings with the Workforce Roundtable–will coordinate with Lisa to do some this year 

B&O job training program going well–all recent graduates have been employed


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