
Serena Watters Present Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Kelleigh Eastman Present Abigail Breiseth Present Charisse Lue Present Edith Gilliard-Canty Present Scott Kashnow Present Jane Shaab Present Gigi Lazard Present Cecilia Gonzalez Present Melanie Scheirer Present Howard Hughes Present Gregg Herlong Present Sonia Eaddy Present Bill Joyner Present Kurt Sommer Present


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

October 15, 2024

Serena Watters Present Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Vernell Lewis /
Kelleigh Eastman Present Abigail Breiseth Present Andrea Person / Charisse Lue Present
Edith Gilliard-Canty Present Scott Kashnow Present Jane Shaab Present Tashi-Kali M.Acket /
Gigi Lazard Present Cecilia Gonzalez Present Rebecca Altman /
Melanie Scheirer Present Howard Hughes Present Gregg Herlong Present
Sonia Eaddy Present Donnell Nance / Bill Joyner Present
Francis “Fran” Rahl / Kurt Sommer Present

Quorum required: 50% + 1 And at least 4 neighborhood representatives (At least 12 | 4)

  • Quorum met (16 | 7)

7:08 – Sonia call to order. 

Minutes Approval

  • Motion to approve minutes (Jane), Edith 2nd

None opposed – Cecilia and Melanie Abstain – All others in favor –


Reviewed Committee Election Schedule 

Dave is working to compile the list of eligible voters

Chris will need the name and email address for each of the chairs and the conflict of interest forms returned.

Executive Committee Election will be at our November meeting – Must be a resident to run for President or Vice President


Audit Report  (Charisse)

  1. Basically the same as last year
    1. We are a small organization so it is difficult to have all the separation of duties that the accountants would prefer – keep this in mind as we add positions. Hiring an office manager or bookkeeper could help.
  • Motion to accept the audit (Abigail), Bill and Charisse 2nd

None opposed – none Abstain – All in favor –


Executive Director’s Report  (Donny)

  1. Announced JP Morgan Chase Funding – out of $8M coming to Baltimore
  1. We were awarded $200K over 2 years
    1. Could hire a program manager or construction/ development manager
    2. The awardees (9) will meet once a qtr as a group
  1. Discussed current discoveries and assistance
    1. a pro bono attorney could assist with creating a boilerplate contract for us to use


Goldseker Meeting Update  (Sonia)

  1. The Executive Committee and Anchor Reps met with Matt Gallagher of Goldseker a few weeks ago. 


Strategic Retreat  (Sonia)

  1. We have 24 hours of consulting time still available to use from MD NonProfits
  2. They are not available for our November Date however – 

8:59pm – Meeting Adjourned – Next meeting hybrid at the CEC @ 7PM on November 19 

All in favor

Good night everyone!

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