
licia Corson, Anthony Scott, Arlissa Anderson, Brian Sturdivant, Briana Ciccarino, Carrie Baniszewski, Cecilia Gonzalez, Derrick McCorvey, Diana Geis, Edith Gilliard, Jonathan Susman, Laura Dykes, Loraine Arikat, Meghan Cardoso, Molly Finch, Nate Tarter, Serena Watters. Guest speakers: Regina Hammond, Lauren Kelly-Washington, Jenny Guillaume, Patrick Jordan

Intro (7:00-7:10 PM, 10 min)

  • Introductions: name, affiliation
  • Approval of September Minutes
  • Announcement: November elections
    • Anyone can nominate or put themselves forward to be committee chairs. To be an eligible voter you have to have attended at least 3 meetings. 

SWP Housing Action Plan Update (7:10-7:40 PM, 30 min)

  • Patrick Jordan, Heron Consulting (15 min)


    1. Housing Plan = $40 million + $100 million 
      1. Vacancy, homeownership support, current and future residents
        1. 314 home ownership
        2. 85 rental units
        3. 314 home repair units 
      2. 3 strategy areas 
        1. Franklin Square 
        2. Mount Clare 
        3. Hollins Roundhouse 
    2. Comments and feedback on housing plan 
    3. 3 implementation options
      1. Expand SWP capacity
      2. Work in partnership with existing groups but SWP as coordinator
      3. Establish a new entity with focus on implementing plan in coordination with partners 
  • Q & A
    1. Q. Updated breakdown of units based on income level based on feedback [which suggested greater affordability for those below 60% AMI] 
      1. A. They do not have that because those numbers are written in pencil and may change. The current focus is on acquisition. Affordability will have to be monitored continuously throughout the process. 

Panel: Housing Plan Implementation Experiences (7:40-8:25 PM, 45 min)

  • Panelists
    • Alicia Corson, Director of Housing and Community Development, Bon Secours Community Works
    • Ashley Wallace, Deputy Director, Central Baltimore Partnership
    • Lauren Kelly-Washington, former President, of Greenmount West Community Association
    • Regina Hammond, Founder & Executive Director, Rebuild Johnston Square Neighborhood Organization
    • Jenny Guillaume, ReBUILD Metro 


  1. Please share briefly how your organization/community has been implementing your housing plan, including plan governance, some key strategies and partnerships, and the movers and shakers who are making it happen. 
  • Regina: Worked hard to keeping community members were in the loop during the process of the master housing plan. 
  • Jenny: Regina did a lot of door to door community organizing that was vital. ReBUILD metro only came in after the housing plan was solidified. Their housing plan also included workforce development opportunities. Partners include BUILD, parks & people, DHCD, etc. Important to have different types of partners because vacant land can be used for things other than housing too that might make more sense to community. Working on commercial spaces
  • Lauren: Partnerships, Partnerships, Partnerships! Great nonprofits in Baltimore from housing counseling all the way to anti displacement strategies that we should utilize and collaborate with. Central Baltimore Partnership and Jubilee was important in Greenmount West. Affordable housing for artists was a key priority. 
  • Alicia: Unity Properties subsidiary of Bon Secours Community Works which used to be part of the hospital and affordable housing became a priority. There is no master plan in the area that Bon Secours is. 117 affordable rental units on Baltimore Street which blends into the community. Affordable home ownership project (80-60% AMI) on Fulton Avenue which is done through grants, CHAP tax credits. Developed green spaces because community wanted to turn vacant lots into green space. 
  1. How have you created community ownership of the plan?
  • Alicia: By engaging the community and doing what the community wants. 
  • Lauren: We dont have formal ownership but having community keep things on the radar. Trainings through community law center so that people are educated to use power as a community 
  • Jenny: defers to regina
  • Regina: People in the beginning felt like they didn’t matter. Listened. Made people feel like a team. Johnston Square was redlined disinvested for decades but people are invested and feel like they are part of a bigger plan. 
  • Jenny: Regina only brings in partners that prioritize community engagement. 

What anti-displacement and community wealth building strategies is part of your plans/housing work? 

  • Shepherds of anti displacement effort of facade repairs through Jubilee 
  • MVLS sessions to help educate legacy residents. Partnering with groups on educating on tax credits and homeownership. 

Lauren: not a fan of condos due to fees. We do have Artist co-ops, but the fees can increase dramatically for repairs


  • Be Patient 
  • Stayng Steadfast and Committed 
  • Regina and Shawn (ReBUILD Metro) fundraised hand in hand together 
  • It needs to be a community effort 
  • Hang in there during disagreements and work through them 
  • Work and revitalization happens in phases so stay the course
  • Build pride in the neighborhood which helps build collective and advocacy.
  • Act like your neighborhood Matters.

Closing/Announcements (8:25-8:30 PM, 5 min)

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