Community Anchor Referral Program Survey Results
Elizabeth reviewed the results from the survey. Biggest issue identified was a lack of feedback and transparency about hiring decisions and a feeling that the employers were not fully invested in the program.
At the next meeting we’ll create a report based on what was learned from the survey. The report will be used with the Workforce Committee so that the Southwest Partnership can provide feedback to the anchor institutions.
Some of the feedback around timeliness will hopefully be addressed by the new intake process. There is also more systematic feedback which will need to go back the anchor institutions.
Joanne asked if enough warmth, encouragement and support was provided to applicants? That is the role of the referring organization. We are looking at other ways that people that are part of the community anchor referral program can access resources and programming. The Roundtable discussed the difference between the Anchor Referral Program and other workforce development program–it is a program to refer applicants to existing positions at UMB, UMMS, and UM Faculty Physician Partners
Zip Code Referral
Have never verified this, have never done another kind of check. The zip codes are 20201, 21223, 21230 (SWP) and 21215, 21216, 21217 and 21229 (broader west side). Currently have a zip code waiver for community members experiencing homelessness. Is this something that the group wants to start doing? Everyone is ok with the current system.
Community Anchor Referral Program Intake Form
The Roundtable reviewed the new intake form. It is hoped that the new intake form will expedite the feedback process by only accepting referrals that have all required information filled out. The Roundtable approved the form, and the form will begin being used in the next week.
Lisa shared that two recently referred community members have received positions at UMB and UMMC.
Zoe asked about criminal record policy–the referral program follows the anchor’s policies–they encourage open mindedness. UMMC suggested a character statement.
Joanne suggested publicizing success stories-the SWP does.
Workforce Committee Update
The goal is to recruit community members to serve on the committee and to participate in identifying gaps in services, employment needs, challenges in getting a good job, etc. We hope to have an outline of goals and needs within in six months. If Roundtable members are interested in sending out information to their clients, especially those who live in the area, please let Elizabeth know at
Invite Gabe (Workforce Committee Chair) to attend the Roundtable meeting.
Announcement and Updates
Maxine: UMMC is looking for meal attendants who are comfortable working with computers. Salary is about $10 an hour.
Back on my Feet has launched their 5th team, 100% attendance, hoping by the next meeting will have strong candidates for the program.
CFUF STRIVE Future Leaders will be starting soon–18-24 year olds who have had some contact with the criminal justice system. Will be having a Trunk or Treat on October 27th, and will be providing $20 for everyone who enrolls in the program.
NPower: recruiting in January for a cohort with the goal of 120. Looking for 18-25 year olds interested in IT. Looking for internship placements for current cohort–have a few students who are interested in IT work.
HABC has a PACE program that provides monthly workshops for residents of public housing/Section 8 recipients. Lisa asked who we could work with to have something on the west side.