
Nancy McCormick Diana Geis Heather Kangas Edith Gilliard Dotie Page Derrick McCorvey II Scott Kashnow Christina Engerman Marianne Navarro Celilia Gonzalez Laura Dykes Carrie Baniszewski Jane Mayrer Nate Tarter Tony Scott Caroline Leo Sonia Eaddy Loriane Arikat

Review and approval of October Minutes


Carrie asked if there were any nominations for Housing Chair, there were none.

Heather spoke as to why she wanted to continue as chair. 

Carrie asked the committee to vote on reinstating Heather as Committee Chair by saying, “Aye”. 

Ayes – all attending eligible voters

Nay’s – None

Abstaining – None

Heather Kangas was voted in as Housing Committee Chair for the next 12 months.

Meeting adjourned. 

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