Housing Committee

Southwest Partnership

March 12, 2020




Attendees: Heather Kangas, Brandi Welsh (DPW), Nancy McCormick, Diana Geis, Dottie Page, Laura Dykes, Tony Scott, Sonya Eaddy




Review of February Minutes: No edits – Nancy made motion to approve, Dottie seconds


Presentation: DPW Water Bill Programs for residents


BRNI/CORE 2020 preparation

  • Proposals discussed
    1. Homeowner repair (6 votes): a program similar to the current commercial facade improvement but for homeowners with limited resources (e.g. elderly, disabled, low-income).
      • SWP already has a proposal in through Poe Homes Activity Grant for this, but is specific to Planning area (mostly Poppleton and Hollins Market)
      • SWP might receive funding from a home improvement company to support this type of work for all 7 neighborhoods, but specifically for elderly, disabled and single head of household families.
      • Discussion around whether SWP wanted to limit its application to just elderly and low-income, instead of filling the gap for those who barely make enough not to qualify for any government programs, but still need the help.
      • Tony to investigate how Central Baltimore Partnership does their repair program, and options for income tiers.
    2. Homebuying incentive (4 votes): Downpayment assistance for first-time homebuyers that can be stacked/added on top of other existing incentives. Could model after Central Baltimore Partnership’s program.
    3. Homeownership class fee waiver (4 votes): Providing residents within SWP neighborhoods the $100 (or so) to pay for homeownership training classes that qualify them for city/state downpayment programs
    4. Homeownership Zones (3 votes): continue rehabbing vacants homes in targets block of Franklin Square, Mount Clare and Pigtown for working families (those making 60-80% of Area Median Income). 


Old Business

  • Performance Goal – Activity Summary Readout
    • No corrections, comments or feedback.
  • Poe Homes Planning: Next meeting April 18th. SWP ranked highly on several proposals. The one that pertained to Housing was the homeowner repair program. Not guaranteed, but has made it past the first round of review.
  • Homeownership Zones: properties still waiting on lien abatement. State funds expire in June.
  • Tax Sale Program: Housing department to meet with Comptroller’s office real estate to formalize SWP’s program. Currently have 30 or so applications covering 77 properties.


New Business

  • Townes  at the Terraces are supposed to be able to purchase their property after 5 years. – Paulette → recommended to talk with housing advocates to investigate
  • Sarah Ann houses were purchased by the City for demolition – Sonia
    • Tony will verify




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