Event Scheduling
The first Workforce Resource Fair at an area school will be at James McHenry Elementary/Middle School (31 S Schroeder St). The Roundtable determined that the best date would be April 6th, at 7:30am. Elizabeth will confirm with the school and send out an announcement to the Roundtable as a whole.
The Nehemiah Project subcommittee will meet March 31st at 3pm. Lisa would like to set up a meeting with a group in DC that’s been doing similar work successfully for a while.
Update Meeting
This meeting will be an opportunity for the programs to provide a full debrief of what they are doing and where they might need collaboration.
UMB Community Workforce Initiatives (Lisa)
UMB’s Community Workforce Initiatives are out of the UMB Community Engagement Center. The program has worked with 150 community members and 23 have found employment. (The numbers include folks referred from other programs). 8 of the 23 have been hired by anchor institution partners.
Coming up: will be partnering with BACH (Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare) on How to Get a Job at a Hospital April 6th from 7pm-9pm at the UMB Community Engagement Center (870 W Baltimore St). Community partners and free training programs will be in attendance.
Virginia asked about any apprenticeship programs for folks interested in health care–there will be space at the dinner for quality programs. Virginia also suggested that Hopkins Community Initiatives be invited.
Eric asked about returning citizens–it would be valuable to have information about expungement, and potentially an expungement clinic, at the dinner.
Virginia asked about people who have had their licenses taken away do to non payment of child support. There are programs that help folks work off their debt to the state.
Southwest Works (Rachel)
Southwest Works is a partnership between MOED and the SWP. She started in January, and will begin doing more intensive outreach soon, so she’s interested in any community events. She’s also started doing screening interviews to ensure that community members are ready before they are referred to anchor partners.
Center for Urban Families at Samuel Coleridge Taylor (Jeanne)]
Since she started at the school she has laid eyes on 135 people. Her challenge is to keep folks interested and involved. 5 are currently working. She is currently planning another workforce resource/job fair at the Judy Center at Samuel Coleridge Taylor at 8:30 am on May 10th.
BCCC Warehouse Training Program (Todd)
Baltimore Community College offers a warehouse inventory control job training program at E Preston and Wolfe Streets. The six week free training program is for ages 18-25 and offers training in supply chain, logistics, and other warehouse programs. They have just finished their fifth cohort and have trained approximately 65 people. There is a 75% graduation rate, a 60% employment rate (50% after 90 days). The training space includes a fully functioning warehouse, complete with forklift, and trainees can get a forklift certification and go through a certified logistics program. Rather than taking a TABE test applicants take the Wonderlic test, and have case management services. They do require a drug screening and background test for applicants.
Eric asked about where the trainees have been placed. Todd: it varies, all sorts of warehouses. They do have a relationship with Johns Hopkins where graduates who qualify can participate in a two week paid co-op. Most graduates make between 13 and 14 dollars an hour after completing the program, and some make 15-16 dollars an hour.
Todd will share some more information out to the Roundtable, as well as more detailed information about the certificates offered.
Paul’s Place (Ellen)
The South Baltimore Learning Center will be starting a new GED class shortly–Ellen will get the information and share with Elizabeth.
Paul’s Place is a community outreach center in Pigtown that offers case management, a daily hot lunch, and other services. Paul’s Place has opened a wound care clinic, Thursdays 11-12, and a Spring Into Good Health Fair on April 29th. They also will be having a free summer camp for middle and high school students, and applications will go out April 3rd.
Stand For Youth (Virginia)
Stand for Youth offers programs for middle and high school students, focusing on nationally recognized multi-year certifications. Programs include an engineering program, a social enterprise/entrepreneurship program, an urban farming program, a food service/SafeServ Management program, IT/SysAdmin, and building and construction management.
Lisa would like Virginia to connect with YearUp and Bon Secours Clean and Green. The program is based on the second floor of the UM BioPark building at 801 W Baltimore St. Stand for Youth will be holding a College and Career Fair July 18th from 9-4 at 801 W Baltimore St.
Goodwill will begin offering onsite pre-GED classes at Redwood St. Deirde will get information on the start dates to Elizabeth. They are also are beginning an Emerge Initiative which is a pre-apprenticeship construction program in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical skills. It is a paid training program and Deidre will send out more information to Elizabeth.
Bon Secours
Community Works will be taking over the valet service for Bon Secours, and are recruiting for two full time valet positions and two training positions. They are also recruiting for Clean and Green, the landscaping training program: the youth program (18-24) is three months, and the adult program (18 and up) is 6 months. Community Works is also hiring for a part time job hub position.
They are also offering a free CNA/GNA training program for DSS recipients with registration every Friday at 9am.
Year Up
A year long workforce development program, where participants earn college credits at the same time as they get skills training and paid internships in cyber security, business, and IT. They receive a stipend and salaries start at $26,000 a year after completion. They are currently recruiting for a class starting August 18th, the application deadline is July 28th.
Upcoming information sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon, and March 28th and April 18th at 6pm.
Year Up: year long workforce development program, earning college credits at the same time—internships in cyber security, business, IT get a stipend and start 36,000 but that’s rising.
Civic Works Baltimore Center for Green Careers
Provides job training in brownfields and lead remediation, weatherization, solar panel installation, and storm water management. They provide gas cards and bus tokens, have a car match program, and have case management services. The next weatherization program begins April 2nd, Stormwater May 2nd, Solar Installation May 31. Information sessions are every Tuesday at 1pm.
Center for Urban Families
A new STRIVE cohort is starting March 31st, and a STRIVE Future Leaders program for ages 18-24 will be starting soon.
Lou: Would like someone to take ownership of figuring out transportation for community members looking for work, and suggests reaching out to rental companies to see if a collaboration would be possible.