

Marvin McKenstry

Lisa Rawlings

Brian Murray

Elizabeth Weber

Ellen Levy

Maxine Rush (via phone)

Jacquetta Graham


Southwest Partnership

Workforce Roundtable

June 15 2018


Workforce Committee Update

Next 626 Resource Fair October 13th Franklin Square Elementary/Middle School

Will focus on legal services, resume support, adult education. Want to have as many resources and services there as possible. Stay tuned for requests for vendors etc.


Spring Workforce Event Debrief

Many workforce events in the spring, printed calendar. Calendar was helpful for outreach.



UMMC preparing for Youthworks: taking 70 students

CFUF: started two STRIVE classes next week, had a cohort graduate from Jumpstart, had two graduates from the Foundry program. Jacquetta discussed their math curriculum (Playspent etc) and will do a presentation at a future meeting. Recently graduated a CNA/GNA class

Yo!Westside: available to participate with any organization that is working with 18-24 year olds–have many flexible resources. Have had 21 young people move through the anchor referral process. One of the success stories is helping people keep jobs–a community member who was recently hired by UMMC and needed help resolving his paperwork which the collaboration made happen.

UMB: held first summer Apply Here, Apply Now event, had 36 people apply at the Community Engagement Center apply for housekeeping position at UMB. Found that many people are not prepared to apply (resume, articulate skills, accurate employment dates), and that people were applying who did not really want to be in housekeeping. Next event will be July 2nd, housekeeping positions will be open that day only–will need to be ready to receive an email for a group interview. Had 30 attendees at Train 2 Work open house, need to figure out how to do more outreach. Possible needs to be at a different time, do more outreach, be clearer about age limits.

Paul’s Place: hosted first hiring event with Aramark–43 attendees, 35 interviews, 25 offers, going to try to have another one.