
Elizabeth Weber (Southwest Partnership)

Rachel Goodrich (Southwest Partnership)

Lisa Rawlings (UMB Office of Community Engagement)

 Lou Packett (Franklin Square)

Jon Law (Associated Black Charities)

Tiffany Truss (Associated Black Charities)

Sherman Davis (FuTech)

Beryl Whipple (Housing Authority of Baltimore City)

Demetrius Goodwin (NPower)

Ellen Levy (Paul’s Place)

Merceditas Smith (Bon Secours Community Works)

Tyler (Bon Secours Community Works Case Manager)

Zoe Comberland (Back on My Feet)

Regina Merritt (LifeBridge Health)

Allie Busching (Civic  Works)

Thea (FuTech)

Associated Black Charities: Racial Equity in Workforce Development

ABC works on removing structural barriers and improving economic access and opportunities for Black residents of Maryland. 

ABC works on policy, with organizations, and in the workforce development space to support providers.

Lisa: one of the reasons we invited Tiffani and Jon to talk to us was to help work through implementing racial equity in workforce roundtable work as well as with the upcoming workforce innovation action fund

ABC also hosts a community of practice for workforce development practitioners–reach out to Tiffani and Jon if you are interested in working with ABC on this work. Being able to prepare community members to work in predominantly white organizations, and looking at their own internal processes and procedures is important to not replicating existing structural inequalities 

Lou– asked about progress of policy work–Jon are seeing more lawmakers in Maryland take a racial equity lens when they look at policy work, but it it is a slow process.ABC doesn’t advocate for specific policies, but rather advocates for lawmakers to take consider racial equity when determining policy


Southwest Partnership Workforce Innovation Action Fund

Elizabeth shared about the upcoming funding the SWP has available to workforce development programs that improve labor market attachment and job success/higher jobs. There are up to $150,000 available of grant funding, and the RFP will hopefully be released next week.



Bon Secours: continuing with workforce development activities, found that having incentives promotes ongoing participation


ABC: Supporting Maryland Families and Businesses using a racial equity lens next Wednesday–more details on ABC’s website. Premiering a video on the history of structural racism in Baltimore. September 18th

Community of Practice:

Our webpage with the S.O.S. webinar link:


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