
Dotie Page

Daniel Rodenburg

Edith Gilliard Canty

Patty Hogan

Bif Browning

Scott Kashnow

NDC Streetscaping Update

NDC submitted a quote for streetscaping plan for W Baltimore St, and traffic study on Lombard and Pratt. The quote for streetscaping was very high–we can do similar activities in house. Suggesting is to go with Lombard and Pratt, but we will need to raise the money.


Small Neighborhood Grants CDBG Update

The City has allocated money for ‘spruce up’ type projects. However, projects need to be identified by August 10th (with site control), and can’t start work until the spring. Most of the currently funded small neighborhood grants do not want to wait until the spring. Options include:

  • Going with projects previously identified by the committee that we don’t have funding for
  • Going with projects that funding is previously identified for and could potentially be reallocated
  • Putting a call out for informal project suggestions


Scott suggested Park projects

-Franklin Square Comfort Stations, Carroll Park–projects are ready to go

-Union Square Pavillion 


Committee agreed to reach out to neighborhood associations and schools asking if they had projects they would like to use this funding for that meet the criteria. We would fund projects in the order of : existing Small Neighborhood Grant Awards, Neighborhood Associations, Others


Clean Block Competition

Currently scheduled for the fall, prize will be a certain amount of money to purchase street furniture. Ms Dotie raised a concern that the SWP was spending funding on this rather than on covid relief. 

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