
Michael Mellett

Kimberly Sheridan

Jane Mayrer

Jordan Fleck

Elizabeth Weber

Scott Kashnow

Betsey Waters

Walking Tour Map Review

Shared a draft google map, isn’t designed for printing, good digitally. Going to build a nice map based on the google map, could have pictures attached. Will be easier to create an attractive digital map rather than a printed map. There’s a lot more information that can be included—especially for areas like Pigtown.

The Committee reviewed the sites and offered the following amendments/elaborations

#2 (Firehouse 8) was on Mulberry, has been demoed, was a historic site (should be online not on the walking tour route.  Discussed the possibility of a vacant site tour

St Luke’s is on twice (6 and 25), Waverly Terrace also on twice (keep as the lower numbers)

Other potential Franklin Square sites: Franklin Square Hospital, Aged Womens and Mens Homes will be added to digital map

Add House of Mercy, Father McCoughan houses attached to old St Peters/Carter Memorials

Add old Patrick’s

Add Mount Clare Workshops at Pratt and Carey (SE side, add a sign)

There’s a lot in the industrial area that could be included

There’s a lot of history in the Carroll Park Master Plan

Add something about Carey St Bridge

Alma Manufacturing—from Baltimore Heritage, don’t know a lot about it.

Jane suggested the Allen AME Church on Lexington and Carrolton (ish)

Add the Arabber stables (Carlton)

There’s a lot more that can be added on W Baltimore St

Add the Hollins Market BathHouse

Will have to do some research on what the Coppin Normal School was

Elizabeth and Scott will clean it up, add what’s already been added, will have by the next meeting

1 N Carey St

Has been conversations over the next month, a lot of work has been done without permits the owner has a history of buildings they own in Baltimore falling down. Plans only include efficiency apartments in 1 N Carey St building—does not appear to be a well thought out project for the neighborhood. Scott would like the SWP to write a letter stating that they don’t think the project will work and have limited confidence in the project, but there is limited legal leverage that the SWP has, except through CHAP. Scott will make this recommendation to the Board expressing the SWP’s lack of support for the project unless and until there is a plan that meets the vision, would like the city not to help the project move forward, and cc Michael Braverman (Housing and Community Development), Tom Stouser (Planning), and Eric Holcomb (CHAP). Will also follow up on what is happening with the investigation into what happened to the houses owned by the same owner that collapsed on W Baltimore St. Elizabeth will follow up with Scott to make sure that the follow up happens. The Committee is in favor of the idea.

Kimberly will continue with her Malachi Mills research.  

Betsey: bricks dug up during W Baltimore St construction, will do some follow up with that with the Councilman’s office etc. This is an issue for the Commercial Development Committee—will connect with them. Elizabeth will send the contact information and the pictures

Elizabeth will email the draft text of the walking tour routes produced by Curtis to the Committee for edits.


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