
Dr. Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Vernell Lewis Present Kelleigh Eastman Present Abigail Breiseth Present Tim Douglas Present Edith Gilliard-Canty Present Dr. Nicole King Present Jane Shaab Present Gigi Lazard Present Molly Finch Present Rebecca Altman Present Melanie Scheirer Present Gregg Herlong Present Sonia Eaddy Present Scott Kashnow Present Bill Joyner Present Kurt Sommer Present


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

January 21, 2025

Serena Watters / Dr. Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Vernell Lewis Present
Kelleigh Eastman Present Abigail Breiseth Present Tim Douglas Present Charisse Lue /
Edith Gilliard-Canty Present Dr. Nicole King Present Jane Shaab Present Vacant /
Gigi Lazard Present Molly Finch Present Rebecca Altman Present
Melanie Scheirer Present Howard Hughes / Gregg Herlong Present
Sonia Eaddy Present Scott Kashnow Present Bill Joyner Present
Francis “Fran” Rahl / Kurt Sommer Present

Quorum required: 50% + 1 And at least 4 neighborhood representatives (At least 12 | 4)

  • Quorum met (18 | 6)

7:07 – Laura call to order.  

Minutes Approval (Scott)

  1. Minutes
    1. Motion to approve minutes (Nicole), Molly 2nd

None opposed –  None Abstain – All in favor –


MD DHCD (Erin & Larry)

  1. They are proud to work with us and want to continue.
  2. They have concerns about the debt that we are carrying on the Lord Baltimore Theater and they recommend that we focus on finding a way to clear it. Options include:
    1. paying it off
    2. making regular payments
    3. refinancing it traditionally
    4. selling the property
    5. finding a developer to partner – they would like to see a development agreement.


Budget Update (Chris and Scott for Charisse)


  1. Charisse is delayed – Chris reviewed the budget
    1. so the recommendation from the Finance Committee is to extend the current budget for one month. 
    2. Motion to approve the budget & empower the finance committee with the guidance that the Board agrees with the intent to give COLA increases annually, however we also need to balance the budget – so each year should be reviewed case by case by the finance committee. (Scott on behalf of the Finance Committee), Abigail 2nd

None opposed –  None Abstain – All in favor –


Union Square Association Letter  (Laura)

  1. Referred to Governance to discuss and bring a recommendation
  2. The Historic Preservation Committee is working to establish an Architectural Review Committee (ARC) in each neighborhood affected by the CHAP districts – (starting with Hollins Roundhouse)


Director Report  (Kim)

  1. The CIP Program is being reworked and a new application is being created – existing applicants will not be affected.
  2. 1504 & 6 – is being reviewed by the property committee – we moved some additional funds to the project to assist.
  3. The Comfort Station is moving ahead soon.


Strategic Retreat Follow up items (Laura)

  1. ED Search update
    1. We are scheduling interviews for this week and next. – several really great candidates.
  2. Property Task force has been created
  3. Fundraising Committee: Discussion…The Executive Director will be an integral part of this effort – let’s form the committee but wait for the new ED before meeting.
  4. Commercial Action Plan – will be discussed at the next Commercial Committee meeting 1/28.
  5. The Committee Chairs will be meeting again on the 29th.
  6. (Abigail) update on the Southwest Baltimore Charter School – It’s a half win.
    1. City Schools voted to keep the school open but they will not renew the charter. The school will transition to a traditional school. 


9:0 pm Adjourn (Laura):

Good night everyone!

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