
Laura Dykes Kris Hoellen Vernell Lewis Kelleigh Eastman Abigail Breiseth Andrea Person Charisse Lue Edith Gilliard-Canty Scott Kashnow Jane Shaab Gigi Lazard Cecilia Gonzalez Chuck Callahan Howard Hughes Sonia Eaddy Donnell Nance Bill Joyner Diana Geis Kurt Sommer

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

January 16, 2024


7:05 – Elizabeth Call to order – 

Serena Watters / Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Vernell Lewis Present
Kelleigh Eastman Present Abigail Breiseth Present Andrea Person Present Charisse Lue Present
Edith Gilliard-Canty Present Scott Kashnow Present Jane Shaab Present Tashi-Kali M.Acket /
Gigi Lazard Present Cecilia Gonzalez Present Chuck Callahan Present
Jose Resendiz / Howard Hughes Present Gregg Herlong /
Sonia Eaddy Present Donnell Nance Present Bill Joyner Present
Francis “Fran” Rahl / Diana Geis Present Kurt Sommer Present


Quorum met (19 | 6)

  • Quorum required: 50% + 1 And at least 4 neighborhood representatives (At least 13 | 4)


Minutes Approval

  • Motion to approve minutes (Laura), Jane 2nd
  • Corrections:
  • Laura – some people are looking to have more in person meetings
  • Jane – Thinks she was present at the last meeting but wasn’t listed as attending.

None opposed – None Abstain – All in favor –


ED Search Committee Recommendation (Scott):

  • Motion: (from Committee) to authorize the search committee to negotiate with the candidate (Donny James) up to the $140K that we have budgeted.
  • Cecilia opposed (concerned about lack of Community Led Development experience) – 2 Abstain: Abigail and Donnell – All others in favor – (16) 


Community and Program Committee Announcements:

  • Poppleton (Sonia) – Community Dinner – prior to the community association meeting – all are welcome – Come introduce yourselves.


9:05pm – Meeting Adjourned

Motion (Bill) to adjourn. Scott 2nd

All in favor

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