Southwest Partnership Housing Committee
1.12.17 Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Jamie Pitts, Michael Siepp, Jarret Horst, Edith Gilliard, Diana Guiess, Biff Browning, Dottie
Page, Nancy McCormick, George Kleb, Suzanne Welch, Robert Carrillo, Michael Coleman, Nancy
Littlepage, Darrel R., Lou Packett, JR, Randolph Ford, Yvonne Gunn, Sonia Eaddy

 Introduction
 Election of 2017 Chairperson
o Nominations of Jamie Pitts, Sonia Eaddy and Nancy Littlepage
o Jamie has been re-elected as Chair
o Diana motioned a Vice-Chair be elected
 Nominations of Nancy McCormick, Sonia Eaddy
 Sonia was elected Vice-Chair of the Committee
o The group elected Jarret as Committee Secretary
 Guest Speakers
o Matt Hill, Public Justice Center and Baltimore Housing Roundtable (BHR) and Mike
Coleman, United Workers and Baltimore Housing Roundtable presented the 20/20
vision for fair development.
 This effort proposes 20 million dollars invested towards deconstruction and
stemming blight and another 20 million dollars dedicated to “Permanently
Affordable Housing” (PAH).
 This PAH housing is held by a community land trust which owns and operates
the houses.
 Funding would include public subsidies. The observation was made that 40
million dollars sounds like a large number but that the city budget for 2017 is
over 3 billion dollars.
 More information can be found at
 BHR would like to get the 20/20 initiative on the voting ballad for 2018
 BHR is seeking the endorsement of the Southwest Partnership
 The Housing Committee has endorsed a presentation of the 20/20 program to
the SWP board.
 Property Rights Handbook
o The group was asked to review the contents of the handbook. Suggested edits can be
emailed to Diana at or made via phone at 330-819-5898.
o Diana requested that the neighborhood associations review the “Resources” section to
ensure the contact information is correct.

o Once this handbook is completed, it should be posted to the SWP website so it can be
o It was agreed that the document should be reviewed for content on an annual basis.
o A reminder that Diana would welcome additional help on this effort.
 La Cite Update
o Scheduled to close on financing on 12/20/16 but failed to do so. An extension was
granted until 2/16/17.
o La Cite has published their projected rents which the group reviewed in detail.
o 20% of units have been committed to be classified as Affordable Housing. 75% of the
apartments that would qualify for this designation are the “efficiency” and “single
bedroom” units.
o Michael has raised concerns to Poppleton that the pricing projections and allocations of
units do not align with the needs of the neighborhood.
o It was stated that subsequent phases of the project are dependent of the leasing of all
units in phase 1A.
o La Cite has partnered with BRP for developing this project.
o Question: should we extend an offer to BRP to meet with the committee?
o Suzanne suggested that there should be a push for a design update.
o Michael proposed the committee draft a letter stating concerns over the specifics of the
project and request that no work move forward until a meeting is held with the
community groups. This was approved via a motion. Michael will draft a letter for
submission tomorrow.

 Old Business – Jamie reminded the group that the SWP vision plan speaks to housing and is
available for review online.
 New Business
o Jamie mentioned that the Baltimore Development Corporation has issued a Request for
Proposal for the Hollins Market property. He observed that the property is noted as
being within the “Poppleton Urban Renewal Zone” and suggested that the group should
review the RFP for informational purposes.
o Michael reminded the group that the SWP annual meeting is scheduled for Jan. 28 th
from 7 to 9pm. More information is available on the website.

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