
Serena Watters Laura Dykes Kris Hoellen Kelleigh Eastman Scott Kashnow Gigi Lazard Cecilia Gonzalez Rebecca Altman Gregg Herlong Sonia Eaddy Bill Joyner Diana Geis Kurt Sommer

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

February 20, 2024


7:04 – Laura call to order – Sonia is here but in a noisy location and will need to leave early.

Serena Watters Present Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Vernell Lewis /
Kelleigh Eastman Present Abigail Breiseth / Andrea Person / Charisse Lue /
Edith Gilliard-Canty / Scott Kashnow Present Jane Shaab / Tashi-Kali M.Acket /
Gigi Lazard Present Cecilia Gonzalez Present Rebecca Altman Present
Jose Resendiz / Howard Hughes / Gregg Herlong Present
Sonia Eaddy Present Donnell Nance / Bill Joyner Present
Francis “Fran” Rahl / Diana Geis Present Kurt Sommer Present


Quorum met (13 | 4)

  • Quorum required: 50% + 1 And at least 4 neighborhood representatives (At least 13 | 4)


Welcome Donny – The Board introduced ourselves.

Minutes Approval

  • Motion to approve minutes (Kurt), Kris 2nd

None opposed – Cecilia Abstain (hasn’t had a chance to review) – All others in favor –

Executive Director’s Report  (Elizabeth)

  1. Welcome Donny
  2. Lord Baltimore Theater Update
    1. Reminder: The current note is due April 1st – we are continuing to look at options for moving this project forward including development partners and extending the loan.
    2. No decision is needed tonight – probably will be one needed next month
  3. Poppleton Rec Center
    1. Construction is mostly complete – there are a couple of additional scope items that will need to be completed in order to get a U&O (repairs to the roof & the concrete ramp to the 2nd floor)
  4. Housing Action Plan 
    1. The language of the plan is being finalized and presented to the housing committee and the affected community associations for their support. 
    2. Next the plan will be presented to the Board (probably in March) and we will likely vote on adopting the plan in April.
  5. Board Excellence Training April 16th (5:30-9pm)
    1. By Maryland Nonprofits.
    2. Tuesday April 16th 6-9 (dinner served at 5:30) – SWP Office


Standing Committee Reports:

  • Governance Chair Opening
    • Rebecca Altman is rejoining the board as the rep for UMMS.
    • The Governance Committee Chair is still vacant. We are looking for a volunteer.


Announcements and Updates:

    • Hollins Roundhouse: (Laura) – Sowebo Festival Sunday May 26th 12-8pm
    • B&O Railroad: (Kris) screening Hidden Figures @6:15 on February 23rd (free) 
    • Commercial Committee: (Laura) JumboFresh (new supermarket at Mt. Clare Junction) Tuesday February, 27
    • ED Search Committee: (Scott) Thanks again to the committee members. Thanks also to the staff – How do we show our appreciation? 
  • Motion (Scott): to authorize Donny to offer additional time off to staff as an appreciation from the board for all their hard work.
  • Kurt 2nd, Cecilia Abstain – All others in favor
    • Historic Preservation: (Scott) requesting a letter to CHAP to conduct a Preservation and Public History Study in Poppleton. The Board would like to see a draft of the letter prior to voting. Scott will share by email.
    • Workforce Development: (Diana) 
      • W/F Roundtable update:
        • West Baltimore Renaissance Foundation gave a presentation on the $15 million dollars they have given to local organizations focused on their strategic priorities.
        • Dr. Iyabo Obasanjo, a new faculty member, is interested in doing research on healthcare job quality and she’s open to collaborating with community organizations. 
        • UMB hired a new Grant Writer, Chrissy Stegman, who has some availability to assist community organizations and neighborhood associations with finding and securing funding. She’s also going to offer grant writing classes at the Community Engagement Center. 
        • The Restore Baltimore program at the B&O Railroad Museum is now recruiting for their next cohort – as is Groundwork Kitchen. 
        • There will be a Technology Career Expo on Thursday February 22nd.
        • The Workforce Roundtable will be responding to the digital equity RFP from the city when it is released. That will positively affect all of our neighborhoods.
      • As chairman of the Workforce Development Committee, 
        • I respectfully request that the board allow us to fold that committee back into the Education Committee. It will require board approval to move forward with the plan. According to the By-laws, a vote is required
          • Reasons are:
            • 1 – lack of attendance from community members
            • 2 – lack of meaningful activities
            • 3 – overlapping services provided by the Workforce Roundtable – which is also supported by the Southwest Partnership.  It is a committee that meets the 3rd Friday of the month at 3:00pm and any local residents are welcome to join that meeting if they would like to hear the opportunities available to our residents.   The link is in the SWP calendar.  
        • There are 2 ‘hanging chads’ that will be passed along to the Education Committee:  advocating at the state level on issues that affect Workforce Development clients and ensuring that the Housing Plan will offer jobs to local community folks.
  • Motion(Diana): to dissolve the Workforce Development Committee. 
  • Scott 2nd
            • Kelleigh – How does the Education Committee chair feel about taking over responsibilities of the W/F committee? 
            • Diana & Elizabeth – Have spoken to Abigail and she is in favor.
  • All in favor


8:20pm – Meeting Adjourned

Motion (Scott) to adjourn. Bill 2nd

All in favor

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