II. Welcome and Introductions
Khandraopened the meeting and all the guests introduced themselves.
III. Orientation
The board orientation was presented per the agenda
IV. Executive Session.
V. Elections
– Khandra explained the positions and called for nominations
o President –
Kelleigh was nominated by Scott and 2 nd by Diana
Richard was nominated by Lou and 2 nd by Patty
George motion to take a vote by secret ballot – 2 nd by Edith
Bill and Scott opposed all others in favor. The motion passes.
Each candidate was given two minutes to speak.
Bill requested the addresses of each candidate for the record
Kelleigh – 917 Bayard Street
Richard – 901 West Barre Street
Kelleigh won the contest.
o Vice President
JR was nominated by Scott
JR was elected by unanimous hand vote
o Secretary
Scott was nominated by Phyllis 2 nd by Lou
Scott was elected by unanimous hand vote
o Treasurer
Patty was nominated by Richard 2 nd by Chuck
Patty was elected by unanimous hand vote
VI. Community Announcements
● Phyllis invited everyone to the B&O for a special presentation on Thursday.