Southwest Partnership

Safe, Vibrant, and Walkable Streets Committee




Thursday, February 25, 2016, 7pm

UM BioPark, 801 West Baltimore Street. Baltimore, MD



Scott Kashnow

Bif Browning

Chris Redwood

Philecia Tyrell

Elizabeth Weber

Dan Rodenburg


Carey St. Underpass Project

Art Discussion:  Scott suggested that a way to adjust the preliminary design of the Carey St underpass project so that it was less linear was to adjust the artwork on the top of the bridge so that it was more curved. He suggested an arch of railroad tracks. The committee discussed potential artwork ideas and agreed that the B&O’s input and support would be needed, and the a community invitation for ideas for artwork would be a good idea.


Project Schedule:

  1. Meet with the B&O and talk about the project: show them what we have, ask what is feasible and come in with priorities. Scott will arrange the meeting with notes from Chris
  2. Determine next steps for ways to move the design forward
  3. Connect with an engineering firm (potentially Century Engineers)
  4. Get an engineering or feasibility study for the construction
  5. Determine exactly  what B&O would be willing to do
  6. Determine what the bridge’s property lines are and meet with neighboring property owners
  7. Develop plans for separate projects which can be broken out of the design:
    1. lighting
    2. artwork
    3. painting


  1. and S. Carey St. Project Brainstorming

The table below has the results of the brainstorming. The purpose: to begin thinking of ideas to improve Carey Street from Pigtown to Franklin Square.

Scott will invite residents of Waverly Terrace to the Committee’s meetings


Project Who Immediate/2016 Multi-year
Bump outs at the corners of intersections City
Gardening and beautification activities especially around SW Baltimore Charter School Committee Yes
Uncover and restoring sidewalks to original widths City
Creative beautification for the 400 block of S. Carey St. after the bridge Committee Yes
Opening new tree pits, expanding existing tree pits, and adding groundcover Committee/City Yes
Better lighting at Herkimer and Wash. Blvd City
Improve Franklin Square Park fronting Carey St. Committee/
Neighborhood Association
Bike lane or path along Franklin Square Park sidewalk facing Carey St City
Influence construction of W. Baltimore Bike Plan starting at locations along Carey Street so that it fits with goals for Carey St. Committee
(Bif will take lead)
Install interesting crosswalk designs City
Install timed crosswalk lights, and lights for visually-impaired, ensure lights meet ADA requirements City
Widen existing curb cuts/ramps. Install new ones where needed. Ensure all curb cuts are ADA compliant City
Add Big Belly trash cans to Carey St. City
Develop and install signage for each of the neighborhoods along W. Baltimore St. Profiles Yes
Install posters & banners to advertise/promote SWP projects Profiles/
Explore temporary beautification of the One N. Carey St. building Committee/
Property Owner
Install historical lighting where needed City
Install a flag at the firehouse next to Primo Committee/
Property Owner
Provide planters to houses along Carey St Committee Yes
Touch up the Butterfly Mural Committee/
Lots of Art
Install flags at the Lots of Art lots Committee/
Install more murals where possible Committee Yes
Install permanent decorative boards on vacant homes. Andrea from Union Square can do one test-pilot with plastic boards Yes
Charm City Circus Organizeers
(if funded)
Hold and publicize movies and other events Committee/
Neighborhood Associations
Develop a small grants fund for community beaurtification projects Committee Yes
Hold Carey St. festival including performances at sites along Carey St., greening activities, family activities, and water fun day activities, etc. Committee Yes
Develop good neighbor agreements bet residents and businesses along Carey St. Elizabeth will check with Ashley to see
if the law school can send a representative to the next meeting
Support businesses in applying for and recieving BDC facade improvement grants Committee Yes
Build low-voltage LED lighting into sidewalks City
Distribute recycling bins to residents Committee Yes
Rennovate all vacant lots along Carey St Committee Yes



Chesapeake Bay Trust awarded the SWP $25,000 from the grant proposal submitted by the SWVS committee for the installation of a rain garden in the parking lot of Southwest Baltimore Charter School. We need to notify Fusion of the award.


There will be a community clean-up organized by the Police Department, the Union Square Association, and the Safe, Vibrant, and Walkable Streets Committee on March 5th from 9 to 11am. The group will meet at Union Square Park and walk up to Fulton ave, then down Lemmon St, and then West Pratt street before returning to the park.