
Jane Buccheri

Jane Mayrer 

Joseph Tynes

Amanda Talbot

Anita Maina

Auna Cooper

Erica Knox

Camille Givens Patterson

Derrick McCovey


Jonathan Susman

Sheila Drummond Camm

Daniel Morrison

Edith Gilliard Canty 

Lou Packett

Jessica Lee

Quincy Goldsmith


William Ellis

Sierra Jackson


Scott Kashnow

Laura Dykes

Community Survey 

Elizabeth reviewed the findings from the earlier community survey.

Amanda: childcare is also a need

Catholic Charities free childcare 3–5 year old. Starting program year virtually, providing free tablets for children and families in need, will return to a hybrid model earlier in the year.


Internet access is currently something that a city-wide coalition is working on, and is something that the Southwest Partnership could sign on to


Some aftercare providers are also providing childcare at some select city schools, so that could potentially be an option.


Masks and hand sanitizer are also major needs–could potentially be something that the SWP could provide. Baltimore quilting guild is making masks–connect with with census.


Waves as well as another program are placing wifi antenna to improve internet access


Rides to stores–South Baltimore Gateway Partnership had provided rides for grocery stores, could be bringing that back.

LYFT is also providing rides for 2.50 for grocery stores, rides to grocery stores may also be available through Community Schools. 


211 are doing food boxes for residents who are homebound. Residents could also volunteer to drop off food for families in need


Maryland Food Bank has had a major push for volunteers to distribute food

First Fruit Farms is in need of volunteers to harvest the food–doesn’t have to be groups of volunteers–could be individuals


Racial Equity and Education Committee Meeting

Elizabeth reviewed the Committee’s recommendations to the SWP Board from the last meeting.

The Committee discussed recruiting young people for the committee–timing of the meetings could potentially be an issue.


There are a number of groups that could be tapped into to recruit young people for the education committee.


Timing options could include structuring agendas so that people could attend parts of meeting and then leave or adjusting the timing of the meetings.

Amanda happy to attend meetings and bring kids–but have to engage them and want them to come back. Focus on discussion topics rather than the act of attending a meeting.

Ms Dotie–would want to also hear what their input on education would be


Young people could submit agenda items, and could also present monthly


Important to talk to young people where they are and find out what they are interested in. Could also encourage neighborhood association involvement.


Scott suggested thinking about facilitating community-wide anti-racism training and education–Lou suggested including the community school coordinators, Abigail could also be a facilitator for the committee once going through the joining

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