Historic Preservation Committee

August 21 2017



Jane Mayrer

Michael Mellett

Walter Gallas

Kimberly Sheridan

Scott Kashnow

Dan Rodenburg

Elizabeth Weber

Bishop Cephas Richardson

Betsey Waters

Review of How to Find the History of Your House

Last month the Committee attended an educational event on how to research the history of their homes. They reviewed some of the key facts and pieces of information learned. Scott found the websites very helpful and shared the handout with the website addresses. Dan found that having an idea of the different resources available for research was helpful—especially in being aware that some parts of the City were once part of Baltimore County.

YouthWorks Update

Elizabeth reviewed the work that the YouthWorkers had done. They interviewed one community member and have a video which is available for the Committee on the Committee Drive. Jane asked where to find old pictures: Digital Maryland and the Pratt Library have archives of old pictures.

Michael suggested updating the website with information about the YouthWorks project.

How to continue the project?

Bishop Richardson suggested that the White House Faith Based Neighborhood Partnership Centers as a potential grant source.

Need to identify a person who’s willing to be interviewed—can schedule and Elizabeth can provide the materials. Elizabeth will resend the list that was put together—it’s important that the people with the relationship make the initial contact.

SoWeBo 5K

Route has been finalized—going to come by the front of the Irish Railroad Workers Museum. They have also swung the route to approach the B&O from the front. The race is October 1st.


Scott has learned how to make a google map—it’s very easy to create maps of historic sites in each neighborhood. The next step is to build the list. Should make sure that anything on the SoWeBo 5K route is highlighted. Everyone should put together lists of sites that are important and send to Elizabeth and Scott.


CHAP Updates (Walter Gallas)

At the July CHAP meeting three WarHorse owned properties came before the Commission. They were on the Consent Agenda because they met the guidelines—adding additions that are not street visible and were approved. CHAP expects to see more.

At the next hearing on September 12th there will be 1401 and 1403 W Baltimore St at the corner of Calhoun and W Baltimore. Owner is coming to the commission to demolish the buildings, saying that he’s going to deconstruct by hand and reconstruct. For demolition the first hearing the determination is of architectural significance. CHAP staff thinks that the plan for the buildings is the most significant element and need to figure out a way to hold the property owner accountable for the buildings. The Committee discussed the best way to preserve the buildings while being aware of their current condition. They liked the concept of having a written plan and construction drawings before approving demolition. Please contact Walter with any ideas—there is no clear solution.

1000 W Lombard is a liquor store that came before CHAP and the Commission agreed that the work on the exterior hadn’t been approved. The owner refused to change the work that was done—the Commission ordered them removed by September 7th. The decision has now been challenged through the court decision (judicial review of the decision). Because there hasn’t been a stay put on the September 7th requirement, an inspector will be sent over to cite the property.

1010 W Lombard (vinyl windows) and 1012 W Lombard (bowing out) are being looked at by CHAP.

Walter provided an update on 1000 W Baltimore St—the owner is still figuring out landscaping. He is putting posts and cables along Booth St to see what it looks like.

Deconstruction Project Update

Trying to figure out how to save bricks from collapsed and demolished buildings. Want to write into the contract that bricks have to be cleaned, wrapped, and delivered to identified locations. Walter will look into how does the idea fit into the city process.


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