
Serena Watters
Dr. Laura Dykes
Kris Hoellen
Vernell Lewis
Kelleigh Eastman
Abigail Breiseth
Edith Gilliard-Canty
Dr. Nicole King
Jane Shaab
Gigi Lazard
Molly Finch
Rebecca Altman
Melanie Scheirer
Howard Hughes
Gregg Herlong
Sonia Eaddy
Scott Kashnow
Bill Joyner
Kurt Sommer


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

December 17, 2024

Serena Watters Present Dr. Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Vernell Lewis Present
Kelleigh Eastman Present Abigail Breiseth Present Tim Douglas / Charisse Lue /
Edith Gilliard-Canty Present Dr. Nicole King Present Jane Shaab Present Vacant /
Gigi Lazard Present Molly Finch Present Rebecca Altman Present
Melanie Scheirer Present Howard Hughes Present Gregg Herlong Present
Sonia Eaddy Present Scott Kashnow Present Bill Joyner Present
Francis “Fran” Rahl / Kurt Sommer Present

Quorum required: 50% + 1 And at least 4 neighborhood representatives (At least 12 | 4)


  • Quorum met (19 | 7)

7:04 – Laura call to order. 

Introductions: Dave, Ashley Watson, Cecilia, Jane, Heidi Stevens, Marcus Scott, Ulric Donovan – BCL 

Minutes Approval (Scott)

  1. Minutes
    1. Motion to approve minutes (Jane), Kurt 2nd

None opposed –  None Abstain – All others in favor –


Budget Update (Charisse)

  1. Charisse is delayed – Scott presented her recommendation that we postpone approving the budget until January. We are waiting for some grant income information. 
    1. so the recommendation from the Finance Committee is to extend the current budget for one month. 
    2. Motion to extend the current budget for one month. (Scott on behalf of the Finance Committee), Bill 2nd

None opposed –  None Abstain – All in favor –


Director Report  (Kim)

  1. Updates
    1. Dave put together the annual report for Goldseker and it’s really great.
    2. Going to apply for funding – Weinburg for the Rec Center
    3. Going to apply for funding – SBGP for the renovation of 3 homes in Pigtown 
    4. The CIP application will be redone – and released again
    5. Working with Howard on the String Lights grant to be more strategic this round focused on Safety.
    6. Gave a tour to JP Morgan Chase
    7. Carey Street lights are complete
    8. Construction on the pool in Poppleton has already been started. They are already digging. The Rec Center storm drain issue still needs to be addressed.
      1. Plano is going to use a small room at the Rec Center for their construction office temporarily.
    9. The house on James street should be complete by May or June.
    10. The other two are still tied up in the tax sale/ lien abatement process. We have an attorney working on it.


Strategic Retreat (Sonia)

  1. Sonia online but asked Scott to summarize the plans for the retreat
    1. Reviewed retreat session from November 16. 
      1. SWOT and Priorities summary
        1. External Priorities
          1. Immediate
            1. Finish Current Projects
          2. Medium/ Long Term
            1. Housing
            2. Commercial 
            3. Safe Streets
          3. Tasks
            1. Fundraising
            2. Marketing
            3. Communication
        2. Internal Priorities
          1. Org Structure
            1. Leadership and staff
            2. Committees
            3. Alignment/ Clarity of responsibility 
    2. Shared next steps document
    3. Reminder everyone that we will meet from 10-4 at 801 West Baltimore Street (Thanks Jane) on January 11th
      1. Facilitated by Kate Scherr-Adams also facilitated our Board Excellence Training last spring
      2. We will discuss housing plan implementation options.
      3. Bill – Our goal is to agree on our core functions.
        1. We will defer to staff on how to operationalize the plan.
      4. Ashley suggested in the spirit of transparency – send out a report after the retreat to the community.
      5. WBRF is providing lunch. Thanks Kurt.


SBCS  (Abigail)

    1. 2 Draft Letters are linked in the agenda one from Abigail and one from Kim
  • Motion to combine the letters in opposition to the recommendation to close SBCS: (Kurt), Bill 2nd

None opposed –  None  Abstain – All in favor –

Anchor Representation on Executive Committee (Bill)

  1. Propose an amendment to the Bylaws to formalize a position on the Executive Committee for an Anchor Representative.
    1. Vote at next meeting


Governance Committee  (Rebecca)

  1. Sent an email out to the governance committee – let her know if others would like to join.
    1. Jane wants to join – Scott will connect.


  1. Nate would be interested in assisting with the Fundraising Committee


8:20 pm Adjourn to Executive Session (Laura):

Good night everyone!

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