
Serena Watters Present Laura Dykes Present Kris Hoellen Present Kelleigh Eastman Present Andrea Person Present Edith Gilliard-Canty Present Scott Kashnow Present Jane Shaab Present Gigi Lazard Present Cecilia Gonzalez Present Rebecca Altman Present Howard Hughes Present Gregg Herlong Present Sonia Eaddy Present Bill Joyner Present Kurt Sommer Present

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

July 16, 2024

Quorum required: 50% + 1 And at least 4 neighborhood representatives (At least 12 | 4)

  • Quorum met (16 | 5)

7:05 – Sonia call to order.

Minutes Approval – June

Minutes Approval – May

  • Motion to approve minutes from both previous meetings – May and June (Jane), Edith 2nd

None opposed – Cecilia Abstain – All others in favor –

Executive Director’s Report  (Donny)

  1. Poppleton Rec Center 
    1. Under Armor Site visit with SSFA, Poppleton Now, UMB 
    2. SSFA is working on Comcast install and elevator inspections
    3. SWP and Plano are working on the – Drainage issue 
      1. Storm Water pipe is backing up and causing flooding in front of Rec Center doors.
  2. Housing – 
    1. Rec Center construction has taken longer than anticipated left over CDBG 49 funds will be returned
    2. SWP was not awarded CDBG 50
    3. MD-DHCD BRNI/ CORE Applications were all submitted – 7 applications.
    4. Enterprise awarded SWP $68K for pre development work on 3 pigtown houses that we have been working to acquire from the City


  1. Discussed Areas of improvement including:
    1. Acquiring new software to assist with bookkeeping and project management
    2. A listing of historical projects and successes
    3. Reestablishing a proper onboarding/ orientation process for board members
      1. including updating and distributing the onboarding manual. (Jane volunteered to assist)
      2. Kelleigh shared previous information in the chat.
    4. A roster of skills that board members bring – Serena
    5. Survey the board members (skills and stories) – Scott
    6. Board member financial support (annually)
    7. Establish how the committees will function and coordinate efforts
    8. Establish goals with timelines and regularly measure ourselves against them 


Board President  (Sonia)

    1. Governance Committee Chair
  • Rebecca Volunteered to chair the committee. All Agreed – Thank you!
  1. Continuous Improvement – next steps after Board Excellence Training
    1. Strategic Retreat – Jane offered to host

Announcements & Updates (Sonia)

  1. Serena – Barre Circle President has resigned and the VP is filling the role in an acting capacity for now.
  2. Sonia – Poppleton is hosting a celebration – she will send a flier
  3. Cecilia – Housing Committee:
    1. On July 23rd at 7PM meet to review and comment on the Land Use Map of the Baltimore City Comprehensive Plan
    2. No meeting in August
    3. Future discussions will include: Implementation partnerships and advisory committee for the Housing Action Plan.

9:14pm – Meeting Adjourned

Motion (Scott) to adjourn. Serena 2nd

All in favor

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